Living Philosophy

Nature & Climate Change with Martin Bunzl

August 08, 2021 Todd Mei / Martin Bunzl Season 1 Episode 14

Appropriate ways of appreciating nature may not be as straightforward as you think. They involve a variety of difficult scientific, moral, and psychological factors. Prof. Martin Bunzl (Rutgers) discusses how our relation to nature and our views towards climate change need to face some difficult realities about our habits, psychology, and facts about nature.

Living Philosophy is brought to you by

Dr Todd Mei

Hillary Hutchinson, Career and Change Coach at Transitioning Your Life
Martin Bunzl, author of Thinking while Walking
Hermeneutics in Real Life

Links Related to this Episode:
Martin Bunzl
Thinking While Walking

Nelson Goodman
Jonathan Haidt
Saul Kripke
John Rawls and the Veil of Ignorance


Music: Earth and the Moon, by Ketsa

Logo Art: Angela Silva, Dattura Studios

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