Living Philosophy

The Difficulty of Understanding Others with Constantine Sandis

Constantine Sandis Season 2 Episode 2

It seems more than ever that our present era is one of misunderstanding others—their motives, their reasons, their practices, and their beliefs. Is there a quick remedy to this, such as being more objective? Is objectivity even possible, especially given how incomplete our knowledge of others is? Constantine Sandis (University of Hertfordshire, UK) is Professor of Philosophy, with a special interest in ethics, action, and understanding others. He discusses the importance of shared practices and has some surprising thoughts about the role of empathy.

Living Philosophy is brought to you by

Dr Todd Mei

Hillary Hutchinson, Career and Change Coach at Transitioning Your Life
Hermeneutics in Real Life
Geoffrey Moore, author of The Infinite Staircase     

Links Related to this Episode:
Constantine Sandis (personal website)
Akrasia (Weakness of the Will)
Argument from Illusion (Wikipedia)
“Eyebrows on Fleek Vine by Peaches Monroee” (YouTube)
Prejudice and Bias (YouTube)

Ludwig Wittgenstein (Wikipedia)
Paul Ricoeur (Wikipedia)

Music: Earth and the Moon, by Ketsa

Logo Art: Angela Silva, Dattura Studios

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