Nethone Darknet Summary

Nethone Darknet Summary | March 2022 | The Russian invasion of Ukraine

April 08, 2022 Nethone Season 2 Episode 3

Welcome to Nethone's Darknet Summary! In the latest episode, we focus on events connected to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and how geo-political divisions have become apparent in dark web circles. Where political neutrality is encouraged on most dark web forums, inevitably, there have been those that have expressed backing for Russia or Ukraine in the ongoing war with somewhat predictable outcomes.

Listen to our podcast to find out more as Intelligence Specialist Michał Barbaś helps summarise the latest Darknet news and reactions in the dark web to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. is a fintech company that fights online transaction fraud using its proprietary software solution. In order to keep clients safe, we keep track of what’s happening in the darknet, the sometimes-murky underbelly of the web, where fraudsters exchange the tools and knowledge to plan their criminal activities. That’s why we’ve created this podcast, to share with you what our experts have found during their investigations! This and all our findings can be found on our blog.