Captivate Website Visitors in 8 seconds or less with Kamran Nassar
Home Care Heroes and Day Service Stars
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Home Care Heroes and Day Service Stars
Captivate Website Visitors in 8 seconds or less with Kamran Nassar
Apr 28, 2021 Episode 14

After successfully starting, growing and selling the home care agency NeuvaCare, Kamran Nassar set his sights on a new venture that would help home care agencies captivate website visitors in 8 seconds or less.  That company is appropriately named Captiva8 and you can learn more at

Kamran explains that many home care agencies spend a good deal of money creating their websites, optimizing them with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and driving traffic with Google Ad Words. But if those site visitors aren't instantly engaged, all of that effort is wasted. 

Some of Kamran's practical tips are as follows:

  • Recognize that both prospective clients and caregivers come to your site
  • Make your phone number very prominent and unobstructed
  • Provide a capture form, and DON'T make it hard to fill out. Instead, get a name and number and "how you can help"
  • Provide LIVE CHAT

Captiva8 is a live chat service that comes with both a chat technology, but more importantly it comes with 24 x 7 staffing with home care experts who can answer questions, capture leads, and even search for available caregivers. They literally get you clients and fill caregiver shifts while you sleep. Learn more at

Home Care Heroes is produced and sponsored by Ankota - the Software for the Heroes of Home Care. We truly embrace the notion that caregivers and home care companies are heroes. Our top priorities simplicity, caregiver retention and outstanding service. Visit us at