Media Insultant

Media Insultant - SPECIAL EDITION - 9.2.21 Media recruiting specialist Lucy Rice on meeting the challenge of finding and retaining a successful sales team.

Jackson Weaver

They used to line up at the front door each spring.  Young eager new broadcasters who wanted to work for us.  Sales, on-air, promotion…whatever it took to get in the door.  Today most of our recruiting efforts are fruitless.  Craigslist ads and posts on the state broadcasters sites don’t cut it.  So what to do?  

Lucy Rice of Sales Sense in Portland has some great ideas.  Well worth a listen. As always we love comments at  

Media Insultant is produced each Wednesday as Jackson Dell Weaver & Keith Samuels offer comments, ideas and sometimes snarky comments about the current media landscape. They focus on radio and TV primarily - but also any media that is relevent or beneficial to media sales and management. Videos are under the Media Insultant Showcase on Vimeo.

Comments are always welcome at

Thanks for listening!