Voice Tech Podcast

Digital Forensics - Tyler Hatch, DFI Forensics - Voice Tech Podcast ep.029

Carl Robinson Season 1 Episode 29

Episode description:

The whole world is dependent on digital technology. It has improved lives, but made us vulnerable to exploitation. Hackers and cybercriminals have no fear of getting caught. They’re organized, sophisticated, and know how to remain anonymous. Cybercrime is now the most profitable criminal enterprise in the world.

Tyler Hatch is the founder and CEO of DFI Forensics Inc., a digital forensics and cybersecurity provider based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Tyler is a certified forensics examiner for computers and mobile phones, as well as a former practicing lawyer. 

In our conversation, you’ll learn how cybercrime has evolved from simply stealing and selling data and information via the “Dark Web.”

Now, it targets specific organizations by penetrating IT networks to encrypt and disable entire networks; forcing a ransom to be paid using untraceable cryptocurrency to get the network back.

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Highlights from the show:

  • What is digital forensics? Another way to prove a fact using digital evidence.
  • Who uses it? Law enforcement, lawyers, employers, and others.
  • What is it used for? Collect, preserve, and analyze digital evidence.
  • What technologies are used? Hardware, software, machine learning (ML), etc.
  • Biggest threat to companies and governments: Encrypting networks and ransomware.
  • Individuals: Protect personal data by updating software and enabling all security features.
  • Dollars and cents: Should organizations purchase insurance policies or pay the ransom?
  • Event notifications and logs: Plan, prepare, prevent, mitigate, acquire, and investigate. 
  • How secure are voice-activated technologies? Less secure, in general.
  • Methods of authentication: Most secure: Two-factor authentication; password manager apps and programs. Least secure: Passwords (using same password across multiple accounts)
  • Interested? Passion, hard work, education, critical-thinking/interpersonal skills needed.

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