The Human Firewall

S2-E2 Mikkel Holm Sørensen: Data, ethics, and behavior

Implement Consulting Group Season 2 Episode 3

Our guest is Mikkel Holm Sørensen from /KL.7 – part of Implement Consulting Group, and your hosts are Lasse Frost and Jakob Danelund. 


The episode explores how we can utilize behavioral design and data to enable more ethical behavior. 


Follow Mikkel on LinkedIn here

Learn more about /KL.7 here


Mikkel’s vision: That data-ethics has gone from a elitist and philosophical discussion to something that companies just do. And then, of course, I would LOVE to have this posterboy case, where a company does it right and earns a lot of money. 


Mikkel’s 3 advice: 

  • What can we do tomorrow: Use behavioral design to communicate about ethical data use in a more nuanced way than just claiming that it’s either extremely dangerous or harmless. Use straight-forward language, concrete cases and relevant metaphors. To engage and mobilize people, we should ASAP find a more engaging word than “data-ethics” to describe what we mean. 
  • What can we do in 6 months: Use the upcoming Danish labelling program for IT security and responsible use of data and encourage the development of like-minded initiatives.  I would like to see more consumers leaving companies that does not get this right. 
  • What can we do in 5 years: Developing further trust in data-use by simply not using data for bad things. Data will only be more potent in 5 years, and therefore, it’s crucial that influential companies lead the way in showing that weaponizing it is not the only way to achieve commercial success.