The Human Firewall

S2-E3 Josefine Ehlers Davidsen: Psychology and cybersecurity

Implement Consulting Group Season 2 Episode 2

Our guest today is Josefine Ehlers Davidsen from AP Pension (at the time of the interview: The Danish National Agency for IT and Learning), and your hosts are Lasse Frost and Jakob Danelund. 

This episode delves into how you can utilize insights from psychology to bolster your organization against cyberthreats. 

Follow Josefine Ehlers Davidsen on LinkedIN here

Read Josefine’s article “How to build real information security in 5 steps” here. 

Learn more about Bsides Copenhagen here


Josefine’s vision: 

That everybody is as excited about cybersecurity as we are. But I also know that that’s not going to happen. Just as we cannot have 100 percent compliance, we are going to have to accept that only a few people will have an intense love for cybersecurity. 


Josefine’s 3 advice to get there: 

  • What can we do tomorrow: Identify what’s really important to you. Ask yourself or ask relevant people what they really care about in this organization, what do we need to protect.  
  • What can we do in 6 months: Start documenting. Qualitatively and quantitively. As you’re going along in your process, it’s going to help you to get more and more data-driven. Document the touchpoints you have with people. This will make it gradually easier for you to report to senior management. 
  • What can we do in 5 years: Stay curious and keep on listening. The threat landscape is constantly evolving, employees come and go - and it is futile to check boxes. So keep your eyes and ears out.