The Cousin Nancy Show

Episode: 24 Down Under! or Digging Up Bones!

Cousin Nancy (Parker-Simons) Season 1 Episode 24

In this entertaining podcast Cousin Nancy interviews her dear friends Lyle & Roxanne,  who are retired gave diggers. It is a very serious subject for this couple, so Cousin Nancy tried to keep it light with some of their upbeat stories only.

During this podcast Lyle & his beautiful wife traded funny jokes with Cousin Nancy and they also talked about their mutual love of dogs and all animals, Roxanne's & Lyle's beloved dog Cooper, who they had rescued from a shelter, then fostered and then adopted. Seriously Cooper now has it made in the shade.

So pop a top off of your favorite beverage and then kick back and enjoy listening to another fun interview.

And after the show please click on the link to and follow the link to Cousin Nancy's blog to view pictures of  Lyle & Roxanne doing the podcast with Cousin Nancy and the before and after pictures of their beautiful dog Cooper.

Thank y'all for listening and keep on laughing!