The Cousin Nancy Show
Humorous stories, jokes and entertaining interviews with Cousin Nancy's hilarious Texas Hill Country friends, guests and complete strangers that she has yet to meet. Hosted by Cousin Nancy (Parker-Simons) and recorded @ Big Foot Ranch, in Medina, Texas.
The Cousin Nancy Show
Episode 14: The Cravotta's Close Encounters of the Famous Kind!
Cousin Nancy has one heck of a good time interviewing her and Tony's dear, artists friends—Liz & Jim Cravotta—who are also famous, because of their historic, Texas wedding that took place in Bowie, Texas known as "The Great Hippie Wedding of 1975, in Montague County."
Liz and Jim entertain Cousin Nancy and keep her laughing out loud with their hilarious stories which include: how they met, their first date, their wedding, their famous friend Burt Finger, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Kennedys, etc.
For more information about Jim & Liz Cravotta, the East End Market, in Kerrville, Texas, their art and Jim's whimsical Bare Bones Sculptures, their Space #42 at the East End Market please go to www.cousinnancy.com and follow the link to Cousin Nancy's blog.
Here are links to watch the hilarious spoof on Longmire: Longmire—Texas Style, so you can laugh out loud and see The Grey Goose Saloon, Liz & Jim's authentic 1870's cowboy saloon, that they built and where half of this video was filmed and edited by the great videographer Gerry Olert. Plus you'll be pleasantly entertained listening to Chet O'Keefe's awesome music.
And here is the link to Kerrville's famous EAST END MARKET: Antiques & Vintage Goods, owned by Cindy & Rick Burton and managed by the super nice and friendly Aislinn Byrne.
The East End Market has all kinds of great collections and you could spend hours just browsing around this gigantic store. And on top of all of that— it has the best vibes! And that is why it is Kerrville's favorite place to shop.