The Cousin Nancy Show
Humorous stories, jokes and entertaining interviews with Cousin Nancy's hilarious Texas Hill Country friends, guests and complete strangers that she has yet to meet. Hosted by Cousin Nancy (Parker-Simons) and recorded @ Big Foot Ranch, in Medina, Texas.
The Cousin Nancy Show
Episode 22: Full Of Gas! or One Amazing Man!
I have had a blast doing this podcast: Full of Gas that was filmed entirely at Ben Silva's gas station in Staples, Texas! This super entertaining film was written and directed by my new, dear friend Dave Crowe.
It was produced by Dean Reading and Tony's and my good friend, Gerry Olert, was the director of photography. And I do want to thank Gerry for showing me Full of Gas and for recommending that I do a podcast with Dave Crowe to discuss the making of his fabulous movie.
Dave Crowe is one extremely interesting character. In fact, I could have spent a few more hours interviewing Dave Crowe about his incredible life journey. So Dave has promised to come back and do another podcast with me when he releases his latest film Full Of Gas.
Besides being a film actor in many, many movies, a cowboy poet, an author of 9 books with more to come, he is a real ordained minister, animal lover, screenplay writer, story teller, film producer, a film director, speaker, etc. I use the word "etc." because his long list of his accomplishments seems never ending. Seriously, Dave is one highly intelligent, super talented or better said—One amazing man!
For more information and pictures about Dave Crowe please visit my website: and follow the link to my blog.