The Dream World

EP39: Conscious Parenting

Amina Feat. Jaime, Rachel & Steven Season 2 Episode 8

The love between a child and their parent is a powerful and beautiful energy. Shout out to all the good parents out there who are raising future generations! In this episode, I am talking to parents who cherish their dreams, and incorporate them into their family routine. How can we teach kids about meditation and lucid dreaming to overcome night terrors? How have your dreams helped guide you through parenthood? How do expecting parents connect with their baby in utero through dreams?

Children are natural vivid dreamers who are closer to pure consciousness. Parenthood is important work and it will awaken a whole new part of you.
Meet the guests in this episode:

Jaime Lunquist-Munoz is a published author of two best-selling books where he contributes his experiences on lucid dreams and OBEs.

Revolutionary Leaders: Extraordinary Humans Creating Epic Change On Earth

Sacred Surrender: Courageous Visionaries Embracing & Leading In Their Divinity

Jaime's Facebook Group

Steven Ernenwein is the host of The Dreams That Shape Us podcast. He is also a father of 2. Steven takes inspiration from his dreams to help him be a better father, and musician too. His music is inspired directly by his dreams. 
Steve's Instagram

Rachel Olson is a lucid dream influencer and blogger.  She is also a mother who loves teaching her son about dreams and guiding him through life and the dream world.
Rachel's website
Instagram LucidDreamYoga
Tik Tok

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00:00:00:01 - 00:00:07:08
Speaker 1
There's a reason why you were chosen to be the pairing of these beautiful children. Child, you're doing a fantastic job.

00:00:07:23 - 00:00:09:02
Speaker 2
Thank you. And he's helping me.

00:00:09:04 - 00:00:09:15
Speaker 1

00:00:09:15 - 00:00:27:07
Speaker 2
Much. As I'm helping raise him. I'm like, Wow, this little two year old is so wise and doesn't speak that much, but yet his actions speak volumes. You guys as well. I love hearing the father perspective because I just yeah, I never really put myself in the dad's shoes as much.

00:00:34:00 - 00:01:03:04
Speaker 2
I'll go first. I was also raised Catholic, so I mean, I really don't know how much dreaming is in the Bible or anything, but I know it wasn't brought up at church or anything, but whenever I would talk about dreaming with my family, they were always like, reciprocated and they would talk about it with me. But I want to take that parenting shift, like make a new style where like every morning that and ask my toddler, Did you train or like, how is it I would make it more of a like a dinner table conversation?

00:01:03:16 - 00:01:23:02
Speaker 2
My name is Rachael Olsen and I've been lucid dreaming since 2016 and I've just been dreaming my whole life and I've always been fascinated by it. And I've really taken leaps with my mental health because of it. And I find a lot of insight from my dreams. So I love talking about it and that's kind of what brought me here.

00:01:23:12 - 00:01:46:04
Speaker 1
Like myself too. I was raised Catholic in Colombia. My lucid dream and my experiences today. Also me reading the Bible, seeing all these about dreams and how the Lord take me to the Spirit and show me things or whatever. And I remember at age 12 I was doing this and I was praying for having these experiences like all these prophets that they did.

00:01:46:15 - 00:02:12:11
Speaker 1
And I remember saying when I was 12, I would say, God, I want to experience these things. Please take minutes, period, and show me amazing things. And I remember that night, I went out of my body and I was seeing these beautiful things that I it was amazing. So, you know, if you take the vibrations and I knew that that was okay, the guy is talking to me now, so I'm going to just let it be.

00:02:13:02 - 00:02:41:22
Speaker 1
And and I wasn't even afraid because I already knew that I was praying for it. And so I started having those dreams and experiences because I read, read the Bible and I felt, okay, this is coming from God. Nothing to be afraid of. And that's how my whole thing started for me. And and to this day, I'm still passionate about it and exploring and learning new things, getting to know more people like you guys and connecting with everyone now.

00:02:41:22 - 00:03:03:19
Speaker 1
Because my mother also understood about lucid dreaming that helped me learn more new things. And now I'm passing it on to my ten year old daughter that she started having those dreams when she was three years old and having these nightmares. And and I'll tell her you, when you become aware in your dream, just give a cookie or something to that monster or whatever is scaring you and go back to sleep.

00:03:04:02 - 00:03:37:09
Speaker 1
And she did that. You know, she was able to become losing her dream and gave a cookie to their monster or whatever and hug it and became like a daily bear. And then she went back to sleep. So now that she has had those nightmares anymore, so it's fascinating to pass it on to our next generations. And and also evolved more our consciousness through our kids that they are going to become more aware of what is lucid dreaming for what it says to predict support rather than not having any understanding.

00:03:37:23 - 00:03:42:02
Speaker 1
So my name is Amy Lundquist Munoz, and I'm excited to be here. Thank you.

00:03:42:08 - 00:04:01:22
Speaker 3
My name is Steve Irwin. I've been lucid dreaming for about 17 and a half years now. Came on by a spontaneous, lucid dream that I had that like I didn't even know a lucid dreaming was at the time, and it just rocked my world so hard. And I just instantly fell in love and was like, God, I need more of that in my life.

00:04:02:04 - 00:04:20:09
Speaker 3
It's been a real wild ride and kind of like what Rachel is saying. Like, I don't even know where I would be right now if my dreams didn't completely intersect my life like that. I also host a podcast. The mission behind that is to kind of tell the stories of how dreams have done that for people, how they have shaped people's lives.

00:04:20:22 - 00:04:52:13
Speaker 3
Yeah, feels like my my way of giving back and kind of being of service to passing that along and I'm attempting to do that with my son. I got a six year old son and a four month old daughter had a lot of beautiful dreams surrounding him in utero and just every step of the way forward. And so when I mean, throughout the suggestion for anybody who wanted to come in here and share, I was like, Yeah, that sounds like where I got to be.

00:04:52:13 - 00:05:10:10
Speaker 3
So I remember when I first moved in with my partner that I had a series of dreams of us having kids, and we weren't quite there yet, but there was always like an older boy and a younger girl. I mean, both of us always felt like we were going to have a boy first and then a girl second.

00:05:11:01 - 00:05:33:12
Speaker 3
And so I was just like confirmation, I guess, of intuition and just the way that the dreams that happened for me. I actually had an announcement dream that my son was conceived before Erika even knew that she was pregnant, that dream. I was at a mall when my mother and I had this little baby boy in my hands, and he was so beautiful.

00:05:33:12 - 00:05:59:13
Speaker 3
He was real fresh. And I just remember having just the most beautiful love for him. And literally, like two weeks later, she was like, I have to tell you something. And she told me and I'm like, Oh, wow, I kind of already knew that was coming. Well, I mean, I didn't know that it was prophetic, so I just thought it was like a beautiful birth dream.

00:05:59:13 - 00:06:23:08
Speaker 3
But that was like, Whoa, okay. And yeah, I probably had, I don't know, five or so dreams during her pregnancy with him where I watched him be born and were always in very weird ways. Like, like he was he would always be like two or three months old. And like, sometimes he was able to walk and talk already and I would just sit there, go, Oh my God.

00:06:23:08 - 00:06:47:14
Speaker 3
Like, So I think it was like as a father, it was like helping to really prepare me for how beautiful and just like how powerful this experience was going to be for me. And I loved having the preparation because, man, the day that she went into labor was absolutely the most terrifying day of my life. He came a whole month early and I was not prepared.

00:06:48:01 - 00:07:10:24
Speaker 3
So I guess if I could share one dream in particular that happened in utero that I think is really special. At the time I was out of work while she was pregnant and it was very hard on her specifically, but also me struggling to find out what am I doing and how can I provide for my kids. And it's a whole there's a whole story there.

00:07:10:24 - 00:07:34:12
Speaker 3
It's a very initiating story. For me. It was hardcore and I was just struggling really hard to know like what I needed to do. And I had this beautiful dream where I went to a hospital and I understood he was already born, but in waking life he was only, I don't know, three months in and was probably like measuring it like four, six inches long.

00:07:35:04 - 00:08:17:17
Speaker 3
And that's how he appeared. There was this little tiny, weird incubator that I pulled the drawer out and he kind of sits up in this weird little fetus form, and he starts talking to me and he tells me, Dad, I need you to charge at this as if you're on horseback. And it was so powerful for me to hear that It just like, really affirmed for me that the work that I was doing and the initiative place that I was in, like I really needed to give everything that I had at it because this was preparing me to be the man that I needed to be for him.

00:08:18:01 - 00:08:35:17
Speaker 3
Everybody in my life was telling me I was an idiot. So for him to, like, come to me in the dream and be like, No, I need you to do this. Because if you don't do this, you're not going to become the man that like I need you to be for me and long story short, I did come out of that.

00:08:36:03 - 00:09:01:01
Speaker 3
It was a big death and there was a very beautiful, like path of rebuilding after that. But yeah, that's that's one of the more like, beautiful and like, tender experiences I had during him being in utero, dreaming with him to feel like I got a message from his soul like that. I cherish that so deeply. So I think fathers in general, we don't have many ceremonies surrounding fatherhood, and I was feeling that really deeply at the time.

00:09:01:01 - 00:09:18:10
Speaker 3
Like the experience of like becoming a father kind of shapes you in itself. But there wasn't much community around it. It wasn't like I had other fathers who were like trying to take me out and like, celebrate the fact that that was the case. I had this really beautiful procession of dreams that I feel like did that for me.

00:09:18:21 - 00:09:39:21
Speaker 3
The first one started almost a perfect month before Luca was born. It was a dream where I was in my parents house that I mostly grew up in, and my grandfather was there and we were having dinner and he stands up and he tells everybody that he was pretty sure that he was dying two days ago and that he's expecting to die any day now.

00:09:40:08 - 00:10:11:03
Speaker 3
And there was this big moments of everybody kind of being like, Oh damn. And we all toasted to him and gave him this really beautiful honor. And the dream ended and I was like, Oh, God, was I mean, my grandfather's going to die. Like, he's my last living grandfather. Then literally two and a half weeks later, I have another one where it feels like he does like a conference call where he calls everybody in our family and he's telling us all that he's on his last breath and I wake up just like what is happening right now?

00:10:11:03 - 00:10:42:03
Speaker 3
Like this is starting to make me really consider that maybe this was prophetic. And then four days later, I have this really beautiful, beautiful dream where I'm at a bar and I'm being celebrated by my mom and a couple of dream characters that I don't know. And another none other than Robert Moss was there. Also, the three of them blindfold me and they start creating this herbal concoction in this mason jar.

00:10:42:03 - 00:11:07:14
Speaker 3
And they they take the thing off and they pour it over my head. And it just feels like cleansing and healing and purifying in some beautiful way. And then Robert stands before me and he gives me this incredibly beautiful hug. He just lingers there for a very long time. And it feels so fatherly, it feels so welcoming. Like he's welcomed me, welcoming me into fatherhood.

00:11:07:14 - 00:11:31:13
Speaker 3
Like it felt like it was just as absolutely gorgeous. Welcome as we're embracing. He's whispering in my ear and he says to me, I heard that your grandfather passed and I give you my condolences. I thank him for that. Any after the hug, he stands back and he very fatherly like grabs me by the shoulders and he's looking me in the face and he's like and happy birthday to you.

00:11:31:23 - 00:11:55:04
Speaker 3
And the dream ends. And I was like, Oh, okay. So now my grandfather's dead. And so the way I started looking at that, he's still alive, by the way. So it wasn't prophetic. It was very much symbolic of like, he's the last great patriarch in my family, and it just felt like it was this beautiful, symbolic way of him passing the torch to me.

00:11:55:20 - 00:12:16:19
Speaker 3
Like, now it now I have to be in his shoes, like I have to create my own legacy. I just thought that was immensely beautiful. And for Robert to wish me happy birthday, I was like, Oh, this is me being born as a father. This is like a death and a rebirth moment for me where I'm being welcomed into this, this fatherhood.

00:12:17:10 - 00:12:38:16
Speaker 3
Yeah, it was really, really special. And Luca was literally born, I think within six days after that dream, four weeks early. And so it was like the dream knew that this was coming more than I did. Yeah, I just really, really cherished that. And I wanted something similar that when my daughter was just born this last fall. But it didn't happen.

00:12:38:16 - 00:12:50:02
Speaker 3
And I think partly because it would have taken away from the fact that that was my introduction to fatherhood and to have another experience like that would have maybe not been as potent or appropriate. I don't know.

00:12:50:19 - 00:13:04:10
Speaker 2
I don't think about that happening. Like the women, we get baby showers and everything and the dads are just kind of on this. So that was really beautiful, though, to hear and how that torch was passed down to you. That's amazing.

00:13:04:23 - 00:13:33:24
Speaker 1
Yeah. And that was very nurturing that Robert Moss gave you a hug and welcome you to fatherhood because Moss is my teacher now taking a class from him. Yeah. And and I love it, you know, because this is so entangled, you know, these dreams and how we connected. Everything evolves in a certain way that it's it's for the good of us and an awakening of who we are and what we can also be become.

00:13:34:17 - 00:13:50:08
Speaker 1
So and not that someone tells us we are this, but our essence is knows what it is and what it is. And you became a player. You already knew that you know you had that dream was amazing story. So thank you for sharing that.

00:13:50:18 - 00:14:11:04
Speaker 2
Yeah, I have a two year old. He just turned to March 5th, so it's two years in a month. And I was just talking to my sister about how quick my labor was was just because she works in the health field. So she's done plenty of research where I kind of went into it like, this is my experience.

00:14:11:04 - 00:14:35:02
Speaker 2
I'm only going to focus on me. So I didn't really know what the typical woman in labor was or anything. So I thought, Oh, that was just my experience. But like this past few weeks, I'm really looking at, wow, my labor was only like two and a half hours, like I had contractions and they were coming pretty quick and this like, Oh, like this is going to be a while.

00:14:35:02 - 00:14:59:00
Speaker 2
And then I had to go. I went to my midwife and I was supposed to do a water birth, but when I arrived it was way too late. And she's like, Oh, it's time. And I'm like, So we went like, I went on the bed. And within an hour and a half my son was born and it was really cool to my water never broke until his head came out.

00:14:59:00 - 00:15:26:04
Speaker 2
And then so he was in the water sack the whole way through. And my midwife was saying how hydrated I was. And you're like, Oh, you drank so much water. But I really attribute a lot to my lucid dreaming preparation ahead of time. I had several labor dreams where I was doing breathing techniques, a couple dreams. I would rewind and have the baby again, so I felt like it wasn't my first experience.

00:15:26:04 - 00:15:50:12
Speaker 2
Although in the real world it was my first time having a baby. But yeah, I had a rapid labor and I didn't really realize it until recently. I just took a step back and was like, Wow, I have to give myself more credit for my lucid dreams, or even just the dream dreaming in general. On the hormones released when you're pregnant also give you like benefit of longer dream, more vividness, more recall.

00:15:50:12 - 00:16:10:23
Speaker 2
So I had that as well. Not only was I trying to practice it, I was also having like those social connections with my son before he was born. I actually knew him as a boy before we could even tell. So I knew I was pregnant and I was like, Oh God, that was a one night kind of stand.

00:16:11:06 - 00:16:31:17
Speaker 2
Me and his father and a good relationship. Now. But I was not wanting to have a baby, But when I found out I was pregnant, I was so excited because I've always wanted to be a mom. And it's been a great experience this whole time. I remember being scared, you know, nervous at first, but all my dreams grounded me and brought me back because it was all unconditional love.

00:16:31:17 - 00:16:55:08
Speaker 2
The feelings I felt were like nothing I've ever experienced before. A couple of weeks into my pregnancy, there was a balloon. It was like a very eerie, dark dream. But then I don't know where is a bright red balloon? And it said, It's a boy on it. And I just remember being so calm. So I kind of put the dream setting as my emotions of insecurity and uncertainty.

00:16:55:08 - 00:17:16:14
Speaker 2
But yet this red balloon, I said, it's a boy, just gave me like the feeling of warmth, and it wrapped me up like a blanket. And I just remember from that moment that pivoted all my dreams the rest of the nine months. And I was listening to an audible book the other day and I called my sister and I was just like, by the way, it was my lucid dreams that helped me with my quick labor.

00:17:16:14 - 00:17:37:07
Speaker 2
So whenever you and your husband are ready to have kids, I'll treat or I'll teach you some tricks. How to lucid dream and you'll be just as fine like me. So if I have another kid, I'm excited to see how quick I can pop that one out. I'm just like, thrown back sometimes by the power of your dreams and how it all connects all of us.

00:17:37:07 - 00:17:58:01
Speaker 2
And I. I felt connected to my son. The moment I knew some of the pregnancy videos I'd subscribe to. They're all like meditation or like being able to, like, steal your mind and the thoughts of animals giving birth really gave me peace. I'm like, If a horse can push out like a little tough horse like that, I can do it too.

00:17:58:01 - 00:18:11:21
Speaker 2
I'm a mammal. Like I got the relax and like in me that will release. I just had to trust my body and knew that this is what we were built for. But the lucid dreaming definitely was my backbone the whole time.

00:18:12:08 - 00:18:14:19
Speaker 4
How similar was real birth to dream birth?

00:18:15:08 - 00:18:25:13
Speaker 2
Looking back, it's the same as remembering a dream, but in the moment it was like, Oh shit, it's happening. And this is the other day, you know? Yeah, There.

00:18:25:14 - 00:18:26:07
Speaker 1
Yes, I.

00:18:26:07 - 00:18:42:03
Speaker 2
Could wear something. I got another screen up there with a cat. So it's coming of me. I do remember dreaming all the time. Yes, All the kitties, the double scream, no doubt.

00:18:42:03 - 00:19:08:22
Speaker 1
But what I love about Rachel and what she was saying is how lucid dreaming help her rehearsal days. Well, it's coming. You know, this is miracle. And how to prepare. Holly, help her prepare for this. So that's one thing I love about lucid dreaming and astral projection is how you can rehearse something in there and then bring it and the nonphysical and then bring it into the physical world.

00:19:09:15 - 00:19:35:16
Speaker 3
Yeah, I feel like if you do dream about your kids beforehand, you do pretty much get a clue on whether they're real. And I think the mother intuitively has a really good gauge on what she's feeling like I have that announcement dream. And then we had several theories about little girls before me came around. And I mean, if the body is connected to just like eating, which it is, it should know.

00:19:36:16 - 00:19:58:23
Speaker 1
Yes, we are connected energetically so with the universe. So I'll those things will will happen eventually. Well, I was smiling when you were sharing your story, Stephen, because when you mention about the hospital, I was like, yes, I had that dream. You know, I always talk when I would like to be a parent, you know, that would be great.

00:19:59:13 - 00:20:23:04
Speaker 1
And then I had this dream where I saw myself in a hospital and I see this man dressed in white and like a doctor and takes me lying into the nurses station. And they these two nurses, they hand me a baby, they hand me our baby. And and so I grabbed this baby and and I was headed down.

00:20:23:04 - 00:20:42:20
Speaker 1
Then I woke up and I told my husband, we're going to be parents. We're going to be parents. And he looks at me and says, How is that box going to be? And I said, I don't know, but I dreamt about that. We're going to be parents the next day. I then I sorry, I pray I said, lower it.

00:20:43:02 - 00:21:08:20
Speaker 1
We're going to be parents. Give me confirmation. And I had the same dream this many way. Take me again to this hospital one of the nurses where and hand me a baby. And I woke up and I told my husband, We're going to be parents. Start saving money because we are going to be parents. And within three weeks or so, I started on my work.

00:21:09:15 - 00:21:27:21
Speaker 1
I, I got to work with this lady that she works at night and I work at the daytime. She knew about me. I knew about her, but we never met before. And and then when I was talking to her, we she told me she had three kids already and she asked me if I knew kids. And I'd say no.

00:21:27:21 - 00:21:50:11
Speaker 1
I mean same sex relationship. I don't think we can have babies. And she laughed. And and I noticed a shift in her body energy and stuff and she looked at me in my eyes and said, you know, I always wanted to be a surrogate mother for a gay couple. And I knew right away that that was coming from up there somewhere.

00:21:50:21 - 00:22:13:24
Speaker 1
The source, God, the universe. It was right there putting me this lady. I just felt I felt and she felt it. I felt the energy. And I go, Man, it's going to be from the Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, whatever it is. But I'm feeling it. One thing went to one letter, another one in, and Mother's Day came. And then I got this call from her.

00:22:14:02 - 00:22:47:00
Speaker 1
We got the call and she said, Guess what? We're pregnant. And that's how we happened. That's then we got ten years later, we got Margaret. My little Margaret now ended up I when she was two and a half years old, she when we were going to put her to bed after reading her book, a book, she looked at me and my husband, Bill, and said to us so clearly that she came from far, far away to the moon, the stars and the sun.

00:22:47:03 - 00:22:51:18
Speaker 1
And we never told her that. And she said, And I picked you as my parents.

00:22:52:05 - 00:22:53:04
Speaker 2
Oh, I'm going to cry.

00:22:54:13 - 00:23:30:00
Speaker 1
So you I paid to us, my parents, and we gather in heels. My husband start crying and thanking her. And then she said that that there are others waiting to come to Earth and they're picking up their parents. And I tell you, we were so happy. And and I knew that my dream was guided. I told Bill, this dream is announcing me that they're sending a very special spirit to us to handle because it's a very powerful spirit.

00:23:30:20 - 00:23:54:03
Speaker 1
And of course, he believed in my dreams because he knows me. I'm a dreamer. I'm a lucid dream. When I talk about my dreams, they usually come to pass that when they put their money away. All these happen. And here we are. And only that. But many things happen. Like to come into my dreams. So tell me when she was a baby, that slap in the face and said changed my diaper.

00:23:54:22 - 00:24:19:00
Speaker 1
I wake up and I of course I need to change their diaper at two or three in the morning. Tula speak to us telepathically, even to my husband. She he was thinking about buying something. And then you hear this voice in his head. I buy it, but it was like only, like maybe at the time there was six months or something, but he could hear her that they they can communicate.

00:24:19:14 - 00:24:47:16
Speaker 1
And I remember one night I was currently with her to put it on the cradle. It was probably around 12 at night and I was fine sleep. And you know that donut that you put around you called the baby. Yeah. So I put that to be safe and that was neat. Yeah. I think. Well, and then she I remember getting out of my body with her in my, in my arms, and I walked to my bedroom and I saw my husband sleeping.

00:24:48:11 - 00:25:22:14
Speaker 1
And then I turn around and I saw myself and the rocking chair for my baby. But when I looked, they were all these tiny, like, chakras illuminating our whole body and hers. And suddenly I felt this connection with her that she was connecting her energy, chakras, whatever, with my. And when I still am, I thought our plexus is energy, like from like this bounding parent and daughter with the child, the bonding.

00:25:23:07 - 00:25:46:00
Speaker 1
And when I woke up, I had actually punch me in the gut. But that was energetically. And then I knew that we were bonding spiritually and energetically, physically. And then I told my husband that in the morning I said, Now I understand how the mother bond with the baby. They they connected with the baby because I felt it.

00:25:46:07 - 00:26:02:03
Speaker 1
And then it was his turn. Then he felt the same thing. Do he was prepared to bear on something he was rockier and then keep COVID. Same thing that I told him. And then I tell him we're now we're connected as a family. And that's how it happened.

00:26:03:03 - 00:26:05:00
Speaker 2
As beautiful and is really beautiful.

00:26:05:00 - 00:26:24:09
Speaker 1
Wow. This connection with parenting children, it's amazing whether you are aware of it, all of it when you have that awareness and understanding because, you know, if you do understand is how we connect with our children and the children with parents, then we have a much better relationship. Well, children.

00:26:24:13 - 00:26:34:14
Speaker 4
Crazy children are such like spiritual, innocent beings. You know, they're so connected to the spiritual world. It kind of like brings us to that greater awareness. And that's why I call this conscious parenting.

00:26:34:23 - 00:26:58:10
Speaker 3
Yeah, Thank you. I mean, that was so gorgeous. I think it it can be difficult for for fathers to know. It's pretty understood the bond that happens between a mother and a child. It's so physical and deeply emotional and I think it can be hard for men to know how to make that connection. And I just thought your story was absolutely beautiful for for that man.

00:26:58:10 - 00:27:28:17
Speaker 1
That's yeah, I love it. And it's very funny because my daughter, sometimes she looks at me, but you're my mama, This girl, it's that she's very, very awake, very alert. She's very oh, in fact, when she was about three and I was driving her to kindergarten, learning Spanish, so he told me in the car to sit in the back and she said to me, Oh, papa, me, I am out of my spirit.

00:27:29:09 - 00:27:48:17
Speaker 1
And I said, What are we talking about? And she said, Yes, I see a rainbow. And it's a really you see a rainbow? She said, Yeah, I see these colors, the rainbow. And I said, okay. And she said It looked at her and she said, That's me. I am a rainbow spirit. And I was like, What? I didn't even know what rainbow spirit is.

00:27:49:03 - 00:28:10:19
Speaker 1
So I go home, of course, Googling Rainbow children or whatever. And of course there is Rainbow children. I anyway know that I know by illegal. I know about Crystal children, but I didn't know about Rainbow until now because she told me and she said that she's a rainbow spirit and she's here to save us all. And I'm like, okay.

00:28:11:04 - 00:28:13:12
Speaker 2
Well, thanks, Margaret.

00:28:13:19 - 00:28:14:18
Speaker 1
Three years old.

00:28:15:13 - 00:28:16:17
Speaker 4
So, so cute.

00:28:17:05 - 00:28:38:13
Speaker 1
Three year old Harry. She know these things. And one time I asked, right, how do you get this information? Where does it come from? And she looks at me and said, from the back of my head, I have a library, and when I want something, I pull out. I put I information Monday and I tell my mommy that she recorded it, that she has access to.

00:28:39:18 - 00:28:47:13
Speaker 2
Miriam about that library in my head, too. And I was like, It's been here the whole time. And it's like, Yeah, yeah, more time.

00:28:48:11 - 00:29:11:18
Speaker 1
Yes. And there are times that she'll dream about that she's an eagle and that she's trying to disarm. And, and then she, she can see things their way. When she becomes an eagle she can go and see things. Wow. An eagle, something like that. So I rail that down and I try to teach her to keep a journal and things like that.

00:29:11:18 - 00:29:36:16
Speaker 1
But if we don't keep our children nurturing these dreams and teaching them about writing the journals, then it kind of dies how we grow up. Because I remember Dad, how creative and how vivid dreams I was having when I was a child, when I was a child. And if you don't continue with the practice, then you start saying, Oh, I don't remember this.

00:29:36:17 - 00:29:46:12
Speaker 1
I don't remember the dreams anymore. So it's very important to be cultivating these dreams abilities toward children.

00:29:46:23 - 00:30:01:19
Speaker 4
How do you incorporate that into life? You're just family day so that they grow up cherishing these things and not like, you know, forget about it. And of course, life gets in the way and then they become teenagers. And you can only do so much there. But, you know, instilling something in them to be consciously aware.

00:30:02:11 - 00:30:26:15
Speaker 1
The way I do it is it's I constantly I'm constantly reading books about lucid dreaming, astral projection. And I'm also in front of her. I don't tell her great right or anything. I just write myself on the book and my journal and what you're doing. I'm writing my dreams. What are you doing? But I'm reading a book on lucid dreaming so she knows the words that are incorporated there.

00:30:27:00 - 00:30:48:00
Speaker 1
When I wake up in the mornings, I do ask her, like you, Rachel, how is your dream that you highly dreams? And then we talk about them. So I know that if I incorporate that in my everyday life, then she will not forget it because it's part of her upbringing like it was for me when I was growing up with my mother.

00:30:48:11 - 00:31:09:20
Speaker 1
That when I was 12 years old and even smaller, I that's all I knew until now. I still this is all I know. So I can incorporate the same thing with my daughter. That is part of her. This part of her life. Lucid dreaming has to be so normal to her that, you know, it's just part of who she is.

00:31:10:20 - 00:31:38:10
Speaker 1
So I think that's one of the things that we as parents can do with children is always mentioning it, talking about it and make it part of their own life. Because our children are more advanced now. They are coming with more a pure essence and more awareness, more wisdom, more knowledge, more light. And we need to we as parents, that these children come to us.

00:31:38:19 - 00:32:10:14
Speaker 1
We need to make sure that that light that they come with, they still surprise the universe because it is so. So they're light. They did not dim and and then they won't be able to continue with their purpose, why they're here and why they choose us. As parents. Our job is to cultivate their light and to help them understand who they are and how strong and powerful they are because they are the future of the world.

00:32:10:14 - 00:32:18:11
Speaker 1
Now to make it better. Yeah, and that's what I did. I did. When I'm meditating, this is the stuff I get how to raise my child.

00:32:19:05 - 00:32:44:07
Speaker 2
So my son and I, we still co-sleep. Yeah. Where he'll fall asleep in his bed or go into mine. I might move on, but there is like a two week gap where you sleep in his own bed and then we just swap right back. And when we did that spot back about like two months ago now he's very particular on how he wants like me to hold him when he falls asleep and it almost like brought on like a spiritual shift.

00:32:44:14 - 00:33:02:08
Speaker 2
I'll ask him like, Oh, do you want to dream share tonight? So I'll ask if he dreamed when he woke up. And now I'm trying to talk about it when we're going to sleep. Like I'll see you in our dreams. Or what do you want to dream about? You want to go to the zoo and we'll just kind of talk.

00:33:02:08 - 00:33:18:20
Speaker 2
But he'll put his forehead right next to mine. So it's like our third eyes are just like, right there. And then he has to pull my arm and I have to hold him. So it's so sweet because I like to sleep on my back. And then I'm like, okay, just tell you if I'll sleep. I have to go on my side.

00:33:18:20 - 00:33:39:24
Speaker 2
So I hold him because I can't hold him like this. It gets awkward when he put his forehead against mine. It was like almost he was bleeding then, like nighttime routine. And I was like, Whoa, what are you doing here? Like, and then you fall asleep within, like, a couple of minutes. And now we do it almost every single night in the second hour for I had such it's like, I know he's going to be out in a couple of minutes.

00:33:40:08 - 00:34:01:08
Speaker 2
And then after that, once he's asleep, then I'll go on my back and then, you know, next morning I'll ask him if he dreams. But since like the past couple of months, our dreams together have increased. And I always have him in my dreams. But now he's more of like my sidekick, a bit more. So I think maybe he's realizing he's like, dreaming.

00:34:01:08 - 00:34:18:12
Speaker 2
Like, this is not just I don't know, when he was a baby, he would always put in place. Baby, we would have some dreams, like zombie apocalypse dreams or something. And I would always have to worry about carrying him or like putting in him like on a sling and running with him where now the dreams. He's like, Come on.

00:34:18:20 - 00:34:41:12
Speaker 2
Or he's off. I'm like, What? Like, how are you doing now? So I just kind of feel like he's he's getting it. He can't talk verbally as much as, like, what he's dreaming, but I'm getting the signs that he's understanding it more. And it's really neat because there was a police Raider dream the other night and I'm like, Be quiet.

00:34:41:12 - 00:34:52:12
Speaker 2
Like, Oh, no, like they're going to hear us. And then he's all come on. And then just I don't know, It is completely like I'm leading the dream and I'm just like, Wow, this is a new dream, baby, baby boy.

00:34:53:07 - 00:34:56:09
Speaker 4
The growth in the dream world and in the real world. I love moms.

00:34:57:05 - 00:35:22:02
Speaker 2
And when I was pregnant too, I felt like that spiritual, like that line of communication with them. When I think about second trimester, I felt like he was giving me meal orders. A dream of like lime juice or lemon juice was like a big one. And strawberry. I felt like I woke up and I knew what he wanted me to eat for the day, you know, or like asparagus.

00:35:22:02 - 00:35:42:24
Speaker 2
And I would Google asparagus and like, the benefits for pregnancy and find out it's full of folic acid and it helps the baby's development. And I was right on track for his development. And I'm like, How do you know this? Wow. Like what? I, I don't normally eat these foods. Like, I love strawberries and fruit, but like the asparagus usually if someone else cooks it.

00:35:42:24 - 00:35:58:15
Speaker 2
So that's when I started cooking asparagus more for myself. And I just felt like he was like, Oh, I want this or this. And it was never really any processed food. It was always whole vegetables, fruits or like Ethiopian food or Thai food out crave a lot too. And spicy.

00:35:58:15 - 00:35:58:22
Speaker 1

00:35:59:10 - 00:36:03:17
Speaker 2
He loved spicy like hot, flaming, hot Cheetos all the time.

00:36:03:23 - 00:36:04:22
Speaker 4
Right, baby?

00:36:05:02 - 00:36:31:05
Speaker 1
Wow. That's very interesting. Wow. That's very interesting, Rachel, because my husband was having those same and he doesn't. He hasn't doesn't mean very much, but he was having those dreams about the food to feed their surrogate mother. And he was going and he was he was seeing in his dream a bag of avocados, blueberries, strawberries, spinach, asparagus and in all these greens.

00:36:31:15 - 00:36:38:01
Speaker 1
And they will go grocery shopping and send and give it to her. And you think the police have this? Because I mean.

00:36:38:08 - 00:37:00:22
Speaker 2
The baby like the baby want to taste so good, too. It's just the food you're craving when you eat it. It's like, yeah, and I end up getting COVID my third trimester and I lost my sense of smell. And it's like slowly but surely still coming back. But I couldn't smell for, well, like eight, nine months, like when he was born, I couldn't smell him or anything.

00:37:00:22 - 00:37:22:08
Speaker 2
So it took a while to come back. But it did. But I tried to trigger everything, so I was eating like the flame, the spicy chicken from Kiki's chicken down the street that you have to sign a waiver for, like all this stuff, trying to, like, somehow trigger at back and no, nothing. And then when I smell came back, I don't have the tolerance for spicy food.

00:37:22:08 - 00:37:46:01
Speaker 2
I still love spicy spicy food, but not like that red hot, like mango, habanero, like everything. Like the blazin wings from Buffalo Wild Wings had effect like my eyes were watering. But I'm like, I can still eat it more now I have to stop and drink water. So I really think he took on that because that third trimester, I had no no ceiling for spicy food and I was trying to.

00:37:46:07 - 00:37:48:11
Speaker 4
Make babies different things.

00:37:48:12 - 00:38:09:21
Speaker 2
And it was definitely a COVID quarantine baby because it was when the bars got opened up and me and my friend went out and then got conceived that night. But is the best blessing I've ever I never thought I needed. Oh, you're saying they pick you? It just I have to remember that more because I was just the timing like he picked me.

00:38:09:21 - 00:38:29:18
Speaker 2
And we have a great life. We have so much fun together. And that was another prominent dream that I would have a lot when I was pregnant is we were just giggling like we almost was like the whole dream. We were just like he was giggling, smiling the whole time, like, almost. But it makes sense. But now that we've had two years together.

00:38:29:18 - 00:38:47:12
Speaker 2
I'm like, That's all we do is giggle, laugh and have a good time. And we do tickle fights like all day. And it's just really beautiful to kind of see that. Yeah, like we're cultivating this dream culture within our children and we're we're paving the road for their future. I love this so much.

00:38:47:14 - 00:38:56:06
Speaker 4
I remember when we first I think it was when he was a baby, when we last had a we came on the podcast last and you remember you telling me how happy and giggly baby he was? Yeah.

00:38:57:01 - 00:39:18:08
Speaker 3
Well, it's so funny. You and Erika was pregnant with Luca. Her mom actually gives her a cup because that's all she heard. The whole pregnancy was like, it was so delicious. So her mom bought her this coffee cup that said something about everything tasting delicious. Somebody said she would make something you like and, Oh, my God, it was just so delicious.

00:39:18:09 - 00:39:42:16
Speaker 3
It was like a mantra that just kept coming out of her mouth this morning. But for me, yeah, I've been. I've been trying not to badger him. I've been trying to let him kind of come to dreams on his own. I got kind of like him. He was saying, I'm constantly just putting it out there loosely and just living my life in a way that he knows that I am very much into it.

00:39:42:24 - 00:39:53:23
Speaker 3
And yeah, so I'll ask him each morning if he if he remembers any. And oftentimes he doesn't, he gets woken up kind of really not very good for. Yeah, exactly.

00:39:54:04 - 00:39:54:17
Speaker 2
Yeah, good.

00:39:54:24 - 00:39:55:21
Speaker 4
Good for recall.

00:39:56:04 - 00:40:29:15
Speaker 3
Exactly. But every so often he will and I, I have this really beautiful moment one time where he had woken up from a nightmare and the next morning he he told me he didn't remember it, but I kind of was like, I feel like you might have. And so I had had a nightmare that night. And I got smart in the moment and was like, Hmm, maybe if I share my nightmare with him, maybe he'll see that it's more of a human thing and it's not something that's scary and exclusive for him.

00:40:30:01 - 00:40:51:16
Speaker 3
And so I did. And you could just tell you could see a shift in him immediately and. Then all of a sudden he remembered it and he shared it with me. And it was it made me realize that the kind of vulnerability to feel comfortable sharing those kind of things, if I'm not willing to do it myself with him and to kind of normalize it for him, he may not be as willing to share with me those kind of moments.

00:40:52:08 - 00:41:20:04
Speaker 3
I took this ancestry course last fall. Part of it was they encouraged you to build an altar for your ancestral work. And so I built one in the backyard and he helped me with it. And it was really, really cool. And he had a dream some time after that where he said that he was in the front. He was in the on the street in front of our house, and he found a bunch of food and he wanted to bring it back there and that it had moved.

00:41:20:04 - 00:41:45:00
Speaker 3
It was in a different place than where we had built it. Do you remember this dream? Yeah. Yeah, he said it. It was moved. I have a friend of mine is a really awesome dream worker, and she wrote this paper one time on kind of psychogeography on how landscapes in our dreams, if they're familiar places to us and sometimes a little different, that that might hold something for you and so I walked out there just to see.

00:41:45:22 - 00:42:04:10
Speaker 3
And the place that he said, it was like what would be there? And if there was anything, then I'm not thinking of that is there in that position. And when I got back out there, there's there's an old door from our house that was leaning up against the side of our garage where he said it was. And I was like, There's a doorway.

00:42:04:10 - 00:42:27:08
Speaker 3
Here is an opportunity for him to explore. And I was like, Oh man. And there's nothing that I'm pushing on him. But to see that that process happening for him is really, really cool. So I don't want it to become a thing where like, I'm badgering him or he like he uses that as an act of defiance to not be a dreamer because dad tried to push it out.

00:42:27:08 - 00:42:37:09
Speaker 3
I'm like, I don't want to be that dad who is like, Oh, you got to be a dreamer. So I'm just trying to like, wait in it and just to lead by example. That's kind of where I stand with all that.

00:42:37:17 - 00:42:53:19
Speaker 2
I was thinking lead by example, when I knew I was saying like, what are you doing? Oh, I'm writing in my dream journal. What are you doing? I'm reading a lucid dreaming book rather than shoving it in their face. Cause I'm like, No, I got to let Theodore choose his own path, but I'm ready to help him with a YouTube channel or anything.

00:42:53:19 - 00:43:11:10
Speaker 2
He wants to share the dream. I'm like, I want to do children's lucid dreaming books. And he is my inspiration and whether he dreams and chooses to make it, you know, part of his dream work, which I think he will because I don't know anyone who doesn't dream why you wouldn't want to it.

00:43:11:11 - 00:43:34:02
Speaker 4
Yeah, it's like who would it right. And it's frightening like a lot of people dream. And even if you don't, you probably just don't remember it. And so it's cool, you know, to have parents like yours understanding a basis of it and just seeing it growing up, even if it's not like an immediate raging passion of theirs, they're going to always know like the basics and understand which dream work is versus these things that like I had to kind of figure out on my own.

00:43:34:08 - 00:43:50:08
Speaker 4
And when I was having nightmares, there was nobody to tell me like, Hey, that's normal. Like we can do this dream together. I do have a ten year, 11 year old brother, though, and I always talk about dreams. So he kind of knows when he has a dream, like, Oh, let me go tell Amina this. You know, he kind of knows like where to go with, like when he wants to talk about a dream.

00:43:50:08 - 00:43:53:24
Speaker 4
So it's kind of like providing that I think is also this really powerful.

00:43:53:24 - 00:44:13:22
Speaker 1
I love dance. And one of the things too, that I notice is for me is when I want to teacher about reality checks, I make it fun, I make and it is me jumping or pretending like I'm going through a wall or something. He goes, What are you doing? I said, Oh, I'm playing reality checks. He wants to play as you go.

00:44:13:23 - 00:44:15:01
Speaker 1
Reality check. There's the.

00:44:15:01 - 00:44:15:13
Speaker 2

00:44:15:24 - 00:44:38:24
Speaker 1
Is, is this real? We're not exactly as you see me doing things like what you do if I say I am doing my reality checks so I make it fun with her, I start playing with her, I say, you help me do it right. And we started like playing like this and, you know, things like that. And if you make it playful, then they will also participate.

00:44:39:13 - 00:44:41:06
Speaker 1
Hmm, I'm going to do again.

00:44:41:12 - 00:44:43:24
Speaker 2
That definitely is all of the is.

00:44:43:24 - 00:44:44:10
Speaker 3

00:44:45:03 - 00:44:51:00
Speaker 2
Like text. And that's not out loud. It's not verbal. So that's something I would definitely start doing with them.

00:44:51:17 - 00:44:54:01
Speaker 1
Yeah, and jump. Exactly.

00:44:54:01 - 00:44:58:08
Speaker 4
Jump for the game here. Like rhyming off like, Oh yes. I'm not.

00:45:00:18 - 00:45:28:18
Speaker 1
So make it playful because I know people get very serious about this practice that they take that I know it and then they become too serious. This is practices just to have fun with. And we're explorers, as Stephen said, exploring. And one of my dreams that I had that I became awake and alert. And my inquiry before that dream was that I wanted to know why lucid dreaming and why I took rejection.

00:45:29:13 - 00:45:54:00
Speaker 1
And then I remember waking up in my dream and into this astral school, and I see this guy wearing this tunic and looked at me and said, You have a question for me? And I said, I remember right away my question. And I say, What is lucid dreaming? And I start projection for And he grabbed my hand, looked at my smile, and said to explore, going, exploring, have fun with it.

00:45:54:21 - 00:46:29:13
Speaker 1
So when I woke up, I was like, excited, so excited because I had my answer. So now I make it more playful, more exciting, and I noticed that my lucid dreams and I stop reasoning have become more vivid. My experiences and I go to sleep with more exciting excitement that I'm going to experience something amazing. So that's what keeps me going with my practice because so many people that get bored with it and they don't practice anymore, and because they don't feel like they're not going anywhere.

00:46:29:23 - 00:46:54:12
Speaker 1
And so if you're one of those that is getting are getting bored about the practice of lucid dreaming, so intense is the need of studying more, reading more books, participating in these chats like this, and getting yourself motivated to continue that practice so you don't get bored and and also and learn from teachers. Take classes from lucid women.

00:46:54:12 - 00:47:17:13
Speaker 1
Teachers say rather models. William Pullman There's so many teachers out there now, Charlie, Molly. Jay Shah You probably know these people, but Lana, you know, and you keep you motivated to continue your education and you're an evolution of consciousness. So that's one of the things that I am been doing to keep myself motivated this practice.

00:47:17:18 - 00:47:26:04
Speaker 3
I got a question for you guys because I'm curious to see how this works for you. Do you have any examples of how your dreams have aided you now that you've a parent?

00:47:27:17 - 00:47:55:21
Speaker 1
For me, yeah. For me, I'm becoming more patient and I'm becoming more attentive and being more present. So I am learning from her to how I can communicate better, how to become a better reader. That's when she's reading. But behind me is got to get a book too, about dreams or out-of-body experiences. And I carry my books everywhere where I go because she is very good at reading.

00:47:55:21 - 00:48:12:08
Speaker 1
So I notice that shift in me too. But mostly it's in my waking life. Yeah, right. But she is in my dreams. She does go in my dreams and I am doing things with her in my dreams. So I know that we're connected. And in my dreams, she'll be doing something that perhaps he's gave me an example of how to do something.

00:48:12:10 - 00:48:13:21
Speaker 1
It answers your question that way.

00:48:14:05 - 00:48:15:12
Speaker 3
Yeah, definitely. Yeah.

00:48:16:01 - 00:48:36:00
Speaker 2
The dreams I have with Theodore. I just feel like we're constantly working together. It's like us against the world, not against it, but like it's us to work together as a team. Like we're a family. We're one unit, like a just in real life in the waking world. He he makes a mess. I'm like, It's okay. Like, we all make messes.

00:48:36:00 - 00:49:06:06
Speaker 2
That's fine. Like, I've never been like a short fuzed parent and like, that whole saying it's just spilled milk. He spilled so much milk and he'll get upset and he'll be sad that he dropped it. And I just am like, It's okay. Take a moment because like, the dreams that I have are always adventurous, like trying to accomplish something or like trying to like Indiana Jones style, like ruins, like it's just very picturesque, like of a very cinematic, I would say.

00:49:06:17 - 00:49:26:19
Speaker 2
But with my son, it just always kind of reminds me, like, no matter what challenge we face, we're going to through it. And I think that helps translate a lot of stress that happens in the real world is it's nothing that we can't handle. So I think that really brings me back to being patient, like knowing that we can get through it, whatever it is, or.

00:49:27:10 - 00:49:37:11
Speaker 1
I love about that milk spill because I have to get upset with my daughter when she's misspelled email came and she said to me, Don't cry over spilled milk.

00:49:37:21 - 00:49:38:07
Speaker 2
Is what.

00:49:39:13 - 00:50:04:16
Speaker 1
Brought me right into awareness. Yeah, stop crying about spilled milk. Okay. You'll be painting and you paint my windows or my or my frames and I'll be like, Margaret. And she was so far behind me. I am going to be a scientist. Don't overshadow me about that. But she'll go. I can clean it up. So I really care.

00:50:04:16 - 00:50:13:14
Speaker 2
I think Theodore drawers over all the cabinets and I'm just like, looking at him like. Okay. Yep. I'll get the magic eraser later.

00:50:14:09 - 00:50:27:12
Speaker 1
Yeah, but I'm learning that the kids there now, they make this mess because they're sprawling. You know, they're also exploring the adventure of, like you said, Rachel, you know, you're adventurous, you're explorer. So are the kids. The kids are exploring their environment.

00:50:27:19 - 00:50:28:19
Speaker 2
Right? Like they're just.

00:50:28:19 - 00:50:29:13
Speaker 1
We are.

00:50:29:14 - 00:50:31:06
Speaker 2
It's toilet paper. We'll come off the role.

00:50:33:01 - 00:50:35:05
Speaker 1
We are in lucid dreaming, you know, We are also.

00:50:35:14 - 00:50:38:18
Speaker 2
Yes, it's very science. Okay.

00:50:38:21 - 00:50:40:02
Speaker 1
Like science.

00:50:40:12 - 00:50:59:05
Speaker 3
I think is really beautiful as a as a single mom. The fact that your dreams are like that, I think that's such a beautiful show for the relationship. You have with him. But also, like, I can't imagine it's easy at all. And to have dreams like that feel like a huge kind of encouragement or like when behind you.

00:50:59:16 - 00:51:20:05
Speaker 2
He really makes it easy. Like I hear other single mom stories and I'm like, I got plenty to stress about, but I'm like, I got more to be blessed for. So like that outweighs any negative stresses. So that helps a lot with like the strength because it's yeah, you can easily bring yourself down but you can as quickly bring yourself back up.

00:51:20:05 - 00:51:25:08
Speaker 2
And that's where I try to remind myself is just when I feel weak, I look at him and I'm like, recharged.

00:51:25:19 - 00:51:34:12
Speaker 1
Well, there's a reason why you were chosen to be that pairing of these beautiful children. Child So and you're doing a fantastic job.

00:51:35:02 - 00:51:36:05
Speaker 2
Thank you. And he's helping.

00:51:36:05 - 00:51:36:18
Speaker 1
Me as it is.

00:51:36:24 - 00:51:58:23
Speaker 2
As I'm helping raise him. I'm like, Wow, this little two year old is so wise and doesn't speak that much, but yet his actions speak volumes. And that's what I you guys as well. I love hearing the father perspective because I just yeah, I never really put myself in the dad's shoes as much as I had today. And like, even just our being on is hard.

00:51:59:10 - 00:52:12:06
Speaker 1
Yeah, it's hard because I'm at home stay that for the past ten years. So I, you know, it's been very hard for me because I want to be there working and doing this. But I sold my business just to stay at home with my daughter.

00:52:12:21 - 00:52:30:06
Speaker 3
But actually it ties in pretty awesome for what I can say about how dreams have helped me. It probably was about a year into Luca being born and a lot of the themes about the sacrificial father. I was going to struggle with that notion growing up, seeing my parents like forgo so much of themselves like helped me and my brother.

00:52:30:15 - 00:52:51:04
Speaker 3
So I kind of weird story about sacrificing as a parent and sacrificing too much. I had this one dream in particular that I share. I think it really shows like the true heart of a parent in a really beautiful way. I don't know. Like I said, I was in a really bad place when Luca was coming around and was finding myself in a better place.

00:52:51:24 - 00:53:13:02
Speaker 3
Within the first year that he was born, I kind of was resisting fatherhood and really hard at first, like I, I was all for it. But at the same time, like that first year as a beast, I'm going through it again right now and I'm like, Oh my God, Like, I forgot, like every month, like there's a whole new milestone in a whole new set of parameters that you have to adhere to.

00:53:13:10 - 00:53:26:14
Speaker 3
Now the baby's rolling over. Is you going to suffocate? Like there's this, like, so much and then all of a sudden she's crawling and you got to be worried about all this. And there's just like one thing after another. And I was just like, Oh my God, this is so much more worry than I thought it was going to be.

00:53:26:19 - 00:53:34:23
Speaker 3
And what about a year in? I started I think I had been through the fire enough to where I was finally starting to be able to stand on my feet a little bit.

00:53:34:23 - 00:53:35:14
Speaker 2

00:53:36:05 - 00:53:59:18
Speaker 3
Exactly. And yeah, so I started having these really beautiful dreams that there was a shift that was happening within me and the father archetype within me and started having these really beautiful examples of like the height of what the father archetype could express itself with. I mean, it was really, really something and a lot of it had to do around sacrifice.

00:53:59:18 - 00:54:25:02
Speaker 3
And I was really perplexed about it at first. And I had this one dream where I was in a hallway and there were two men just ahead of me, and I decided to act like I was doing something so I could eavesdrop on their conversation. And the two men were talking about being fathers, and the one told this really beautiful story of how he mines diamonds.

00:54:25:07 - 00:54:51:24
Speaker 3
And he said he works really hard to mine these diamonds for his daughter. And he reaches in his pockets and he shows the man what he leaves for himself. And it's just like paper scraps and lint and basically nothing. And but the essence that comes across when he's saying this is so powerful and it's so selfless, it's so completely selfless that he doesn't feel diminished by it.

00:54:51:24 - 00:55:19:12
Speaker 3
Like the sacrifice that he's making is not a diminishing thing. It doesn't take anything away from him. It actually is like an overflowing from him that he has. There's nothing else that he could do, nothing greater that he could do than to give himself so fully. And I was so touched by that dream. And I was reading this beautiful book by this dream worker named Toko Turner.

00:55:20:07 - 00:55:49:20
Speaker 3
And it was called the book is called Belonging. It's really beautiful book. I encourage anybody to read it. And that like two days later, I was on this part in the book where she's talking about living your life as payment to the debt that can't be repaid, like the debt of beauty that you've been given in your life, like to live yourself or to live your life in service of attempting to pay that back, even though it's basically impossible.

00:55:51:24 - 00:56:29:04
Speaker 3
And I was just like that. That's what parental sacrifice is like. We are indebted with such beauty and such, like the like I am sure all of you can be like, I never knew that my heart could be so big to think that that kind of beauty has been bestowed upon us being parents. We're constantly living our lives in service to the debt that can't be repaid, that we are giving ourselves selfishly to our kids and and making the sacrifices that we need to give them the life that they deserve in a way that there's nothing else that we can do.

00:56:29:06 - 00:56:57:15
Speaker 3
And it isn't a diminishing thing. It isn't overflowing. It's there's so much love inside of my being that I can't help but spill that completely into his life. Yeah, there are so many dreams like that that were given me, showing me examples of what I could be as a father and yeah, I was just absolutely gorgeous in so many cool ways that that continues to happen now.

00:56:57:23 - 00:57:22:02
Speaker 1
When we feel that way. I, you say, you know, your heart can be become so big also a heart like up this beautiful beam of light that the universe the source can see that that special life here it's connected to the universe and they can see that bright, bright light inside of us. So that's how we connect with the source, too.

00:57:22:14 - 00:57:30:11
Speaker 1
Yeah. So by you feeling that way, you're connecting with a source through your child. That's the way I see it. Absolutely.

00:57:30:23 - 00:57:31:09
Speaker 3

00:57:31:12 - 00:58:20:06
Speaker 1
And when you tell your story, I can see you beaming a light. When you're telling the story, you're lighting up like scenes in, like your light, pure essence. You've got to zero. With zero is your essence yourself. You're expressing something that you are already pure love manifesting through your child. Yeah, that's what I see. This is wonderful. You know how our children help us come back into our selves, into who we are so we understand more or how we can be of service to others with that same kind of love for a child or children, we can apply the same love towards another person embracing and loving that person as your child.

00:58:20:24 - 00:58:38:07
Speaker 2
Right. That means me. Since becoming a mom now or any movie I watched like I was rewatching Home Alone during Christmas. And I've never cried during Home Alone, except this year when the mom went back to meet up with the boy and she's like, I left you. And I'm just like, Oh man.

00:58:39:06 - 00:58:40:20
Speaker 4
All movies are different now.

00:58:41:03 - 00:59:01:20
Speaker 2
It's totally different. And yeah, now any time I see that connection, it just like I got iron hitting and I don't know, it just hits me so, like, profoundly. And it just I never had that experience of love before. And now it's like a never ending over pouring in. Like I had a pregnancy scare just like this past year.

00:59:01:20 - 00:59:17:01
Speaker 2
And I was like, Oh, my gosh, am I going to have another end? And all I could think of was, yeah, I got another. I got enough love. Like I could have a bunch of kids and I still want to have kids one day. I wasn't, but it just made me think like, Wow, I have all this love I can give.

00:59:17:01 - 00:59:35:04
Speaker 2
And I didn't know that until I became mom. And that's when it really, yeah, resonated. Woke me up like, wow, it was just beautiful. And now I can see that with other kids and like, just other parents and like, the videos online, like, of a dad taught his kid how to ride a bike. And I started tearing up watching that.

00:59:35:07 - 00:59:48:06
Speaker 2
That was like all these moments I can't I've already experience or I'm looking forward to and it's just I can't. Molly two years, you know, into being a mom. And I'm just like, I've my whole life. This is what I was born to do.

00:59:48:12 - 00:59:50:20
Speaker 3
Yeah, it makes you a total mush. Absolutely.

00:59:50:20 - 00:59:53:23
Speaker 2
Yeah. It's almost like it's of Abby all the time.

00:59:54:12 - 01:00:13:00
Speaker 3
Like, I was watching the movie Christmas Chronicles with my family at Christmas a couple of years ago when it first came out. And the the part of the end when Santa gives the deceased dad son a gift where he could see his dad one more time, and his dad said he's proud of him. I was just like you.

01:00:13:04 - 01:00:36:07
Speaker 3
Good. And my sister, like, next to me, was like, What is wrong with you? Like, I cannot do that. Movies, like, especially like the dad is dead or dies or like, Oh my God, it just cuts way too deep, Right? The thing that was really cool was I saw all my family lives. I live in Minnesota. All my family lives on the East Coast.

01:00:37:00 - 01:00:59:13
Speaker 3
When my son was seven months old, we took him out for my parents birthdays and they had this big party. All the family was there and I got to introduce my son to my whole family. It was so unbelievable to like, be received by the men in my family and the way that I did. You could just tell that they welcomed me into fatherhood in that moment.

01:01:00:06 - 01:01:23:05
Speaker 3
So like I said, I didn't have that prior to him being born. But going out there was like, Oh my God, this is like what I wanted. And to to see all my relatives. Now, knowing what I hold in my heart, you could see it in them. And I was like, I can't believe how oblivious right I've been my whole life to the capacity that these human beings in my life have had all along.

01:01:23:21 - 01:01:25:15
Speaker 3
And yeah, it's really something.

01:01:26:11 - 01:01:35:10
Speaker 1
And how am I in touch with our emotions? We become too, and with ourselves so connected to help us connect ourselves with who we are.

01:01:36:07 - 01:01:50:14
Speaker 3
Well, the other part of that too, that I think is funny is that I'll meet men who seem kind of rugged and closed off as soon as I find out that I'm a father. It's like they know they can they can level with me not a certain way where they're like, Oh, my God. Let's go to our kids.

01:01:50:18 - 01:01:50:22
Speaker 3

01:01:51:08 - 01:01:53:21
Speaker 1
It's so they open up. Yeah.

01:01:54:03 - 01:01:54:11
Speaker 2

01:01:55:01 - 01:02:17:19
Speaker 1
And also, we are so blessed that we have this tool to be able to navigate exactly and process this these experiences through lucid dreaming, to dream through whatever, you know, and connecting with each other like, you know, still talking. He talks to other parents and guys that they open up to him, you know, because all of we can relate to them.

01:02:18:06 - 01:02:32:01
Speaker 1
So they find a comfort zone right there in a comfortable place that they can go and talk to. It is there is like a blessing, you know, to be able to become aware of this so we can help others. Oh, thank you. I mean.

01:02:33:21 - 01:02:52:01
Speaker 4
It's been such a great conversation. I respect you guys so much as parents and as my friends and fellow dreamers. And, you know, I've always wanted to have kids. Like, I've kind of always thought about this my whole life, you know, not ready yet in any sort of sense. But I definitely look forward to the awesome experiences and the love capacity that you guys talked about.

01:02:52:01 - 01:02:53:13
Speaker 4
It's really inspiring. So.

01:02:54:03 - 01:02:55:19
Speaker 2
Yeah, bring us back here. Yes.

01:02:57:08 - 01:03:05:12
Speaker 4
Let's do it. You guys. We could do this when? Any time you guys want. It's been so awesome and I love keeping the conversation going, so we'll definitely check back in.