Gaming The System - The Feminist Gaming Podcast

78 - Misogyny In The MetaVerse Part 2 - Bonus Round


TRIGGER WARNING – We will be discussing virtual sexual assault & rape
Is the Metaverse going to be a safe space? With reports of sexual assault in the Metaverse Jem and Matt discuss whether the organisations at the helm of our virtual futures are doing enough to protect users. As online worlds become ever more immersive, are we at risk of creating a training ground for misogyny?   How can we get the most out of the amazing benefits that the metaverse could bring, while forestalling the potential civil and human rights harms? 
For further reading and listening check out:
•The Bunker – Does the Metaverse Need Laws? - 
•TechStuff – What is the metaverse? - 
•Refinery29 -In The Metaverse, Sexual Assault Is Very Real — So What Can We Do Legally? -
Books & Movies
•Snow Crash – Neal Stephenson - 
•Diamond Age – Neal Stephenson
•Neuromancer – Willian Gibson
•The Matrix
•Free Guy
•Ready Player One