Service Without Excuses With Rob M Lyon

How not using this one skill is killing not just your business, but more than you know with Howard Partridge!

Rob M Lyon Season 2 Episode 32

I told my wife that there are two different types of musicians, my stepson Zac has what is known as (talent) he has the ability to write, arrange, and craft a song that to me is incredibly well thought out and produced. Then there is the other side (Me) where I had to work harder to learn the (Skill) side of it piece by piece with very little to no natural talent. I needed to work harder to end up at the same place, it got me thinking that entrepreneurs are no different and that some have the natural leadership, sales prowess, marketing knowledge to go on the fast track, where others have to learn in the never forgiving school of hards knocks. My father used to sat the term called "Jack of all trades, master of none" is not correct,  but felt it was more of a "Jackass of all trades" if you felt you could do everything better and on your own. In Season 2/ Episode 32 with the Incredible Howard Partridge he breaks down the key reason why people do not achieve their goals and why they have a true lack of belief in themselves. We all have the same minutes to work with on this planet and for the most part some motivation or inspiration to succeed, how come some do and some don't. It's a true failure to implement on where they want to be, the community around you needs to reflect this for you to truly succeed in not just your business, but in life. Howard is true rags to riches story, and in this podcast he breaks down the core principles on true lifelong happiness if you learn and master the teachings of FTI (Failure To Implement). You can find out more about Howard at and take a free assessment to help pinpoint where you need to be positioned for real growth!! Once again thank you to our sponsor contact them today to try out what is what I feel is the biggest game changer when it comes to positioning your business. You can also find a link at as well. Ty again Howard for a awesome information filled Service Without Excuses Podcast!!