Service Without Excuses With Rob M Lyon

Are your customers running into the arms of you competition?? Skip this step and you will find out!! with Randi Busse of Workforce Development Group

Rob M Lyon Season 2 Episode 35

Are your customers and clients running into the arms of someone else because you refuse to give them a good customer service that they deserve? Sounds crazy right but people do it every single day.  It’s become normal to think that poor customer service is acceptable with excuses like “ It’s COVID” or nobody really cares in the end they just care about the cheapest price. Nothing could be further from the truth it’s not something you want to find out the hard way. In Season 2/ Episode 35 we discuss just that with customer service expert Randi Busse with Workforce Development Group or Randi has a stories background working with companies like Verizon as well as many other medium to large service-based companies. In this podcast you’ll learn a lot ton of detail into the mindset of the customer I would keep them loyal to you. We want to again thank our sponsor for helping us grow this podcast to deliver top of information to service-based business is all over the world. For more information click the link above and they will take care of the rest. So tell us is truly the Cadillac every management software it doesn’t get any better!