Service Without Excuses With Rob M Lyon

Is Customer Service Dead?? Has everyone really given up?? with Barbara Khozam!! You Will Be Shocked!

April 13, 2021 Rob M Lyon Season 2 Episode 39

Is customer service really dead?? Has everyone given up on it and figured that no one cares anymore?  Absolutely NOT, people love when you do the job they are asking for. They want you give them everything you offer and more because you are capable of it!! I had a good friend of mine call me to clean his boat (Very popular in New Jersey) and I said sure I will be glad to. Next door to his was another boat and of course  and this gentlemen asked if I could clean his boat. I said absolutely I would be glad to,  afterwards he sat me down and said I understand you use to live in NYC and I want to give you some advise (Who would not want this) at this point he continues to say this is the "Wild West" here in New jersey and if you start a business like this you will be successful based on what I see. Three years later and 350 reviews at this time we have a thriving multi-truck company serving what seems to be the best clients in the world, fast forward to now in episode 38 of Episode 2 we discuss this with speaking and customer service expert and Legend Barbara Khozam in detail about how service businesses can capitalize on this especially today more than ever. We go into example after example and story after story about how you can build and grow your business in what seems to be a down market and maximize it to its fullest extent. You can visit to find out more about her incredible experience and that value she brings to everyone that listens to her words. We also want to thank to find out about the greatest review management software on the planet (IMO) to help leverage your hard work and reputation.