Service Without Excuses With Rob M Lyon

How good is your company Culture, You may need to look in the Mirror with Ivan Turner

May 30, 2021 Rob M Lyon Season 2 Episode 48

One of the biggest things going on right now not just in the service business industry but in every industry is hiring the right help. We know competing with the government is a lost cause when it comes to employee loyalty. Because of this we have to take something we can’t control and turn into a positive that we can, having the right company culture is crucial coming out of the pandemic of 2020 into 2021. How good is your company culture, do you make them feel welcome and needed as a true part of the bricks and mortar in your business? There’s an old saying that the fish rots from the head down, and I found more times than not the company culture is killing its self from the top internally due to poor management and leadership, therefore causing a fast rate of attrition. It cost a fortune to motivate, train, and develop your employees into the well oiled machine they need to be. The question is everybody on the same page, more often than not that’s where the disconnect happens. And his this podcast episode of Season 2/ episode 48 we discuss this with my friend Ivan Turner of show me solutions and disaster brigade USA in great detail, even going to do some bantering that will help you break through some of the stumbling blocks that many of us run into every day.  As always want to think our sponsor so tell us, feel free to check them out at