Service Without Excuses With Rob M Lyon

Selling Vs Marketing Part 2, Which comes first The Chicken or the Egg!!

Rob M Lyon Season 3 Episode 7

We have spent some time on this in the past talking about the major differences between what marketing your service businesses, and the selling of your services. In this episode I talk about some simple examples of what the differences from my perspective, think of marketing as the framework of your home that’s being built. You have a vision of what you want and frame by frame as well as piece by piece become the base for what you’re about to do next. When you arrive at the next point you’ll be selling yourself on the extra items you want for your house, that could be a certain bathtub, a type of kitchen cabinets as well as appliances pretty much anything that you decide you want to put into the house after it’s been built. Without that proper framework you wouldn’t be able to put the items in the house in the places that you choose, think about marketing much like this with the after effect which is selling. I even talked about examples of our lead singer in the band I play in which has a habit of going out talking to people that come to see and support the band, he is extremely good at it talking about what we can do and more about us. He has always seen that in the past as selling, which in fact he is actually marketing very well with the final result at the backend of being a sale of hiring a high-end party band. I also talk about examples from marketing mentors like Joe Polish that really has to find a difference between the two so well in the past, even examples of what direct response marketing is and how effective it is at proceeding for sale. We also want to thank all of our sponsors whom  without we could not do this podcast. Please visit to test try this incredible system and how other peoples feedback will help you gain market momentum. Also check out for the best service professionals in the garden state. We also appreciate it when you go to a website to subscribe to our email list or as well to our YouTube channel Rob M Lyon!! Thank you again for spending your valuable time with us!