Kendrah's Story: Astira Studio
Keep Going: Small Business Motivation
Keep Going: Small Business Motivation
Kendrah's Story: Astira Studio
May 22, 2023 Season 2 Episode 73
Mazuma USA

COVID was what pushed Kendrah to start her own business. Or rather, it was fighting for time to recover from COVID that was the last straw. For years, Kendrah had dreamed of starting her own marketing agency. As a former fashion blogger, brand ambassador, and social media influencer, Kendrah had seen the many facets of growing a business. And she particularly loved helping small businesses grow as a marketing freelancer while working at a large marketing agency. So when push came to shove and Kendrah took the leap to start her own business, she was ready. Listen as Kendrah shares what it took to start her own marketing agency: Astira Studio.

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