The Drink Like a Lady Podcast: Interpretation of the 40 Day Prosperity Plan by John Randolph Price
To boost our respective abundance mindsets, business strategist Carlyn Bushman and I did the "40 Day Prosperity Plan" which nests inside of a little book by John Randolph Price. In doing it several times, we realized the following 3 things:
1. It's important to have an accountability partner to do the interpretations with daily
2. One needs to read complementary books and material to get the most out of the exercise
3. There is real whitespace in the market for this kind of interpretation. Just Google "40 Day Prosperity Plan." It's crickets. So we decided to do this exercise to help anyone who is doing the exercise, either alone or together.
About your co hosts
Joya Dass is a former TV news anchor (business) and heads up a business mastermind for women leaders in NYC.
Carlyn Bushman is a business strategist, encouraging women business owners to MEASURE EVERYTHING for scale and growth
The Drink Like a Lady Podcast: Interpretation of the 40 Day Prosperity Plan by John Randolph Price
Episode 2: Interpretation of Statement 1 from the "40 Day Prosperity Plan" by John Randolph Price
This program nests inside of author John Randolph Price's teeny little book, “The Abundance Book”. It's called the "40 day Prosperity Plan" and came suggested to Carlyn and I by a member of our Mastermind who built a mid six-figure business around micro-dosing for professionals.
Why 40 days? Research shows it takes 40 days for us to realize some things at the conscious level of our mind.
Carlyn and I became accountability partners and did this exercise every day for 40-days, knowing that if we missed, we had to start over. In this episode, we talk about what we got from Statement 1
1. God is lavish, unfailing Abundance, the rich omnipresent substance of the Universe. This all-providing Source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me- the Reality of me.
(If you are uncomfortable with the references to "God," substitute in "Universe, Higher self, or Source." Whatever works for you.)
To boost our respective abundance mindsets, business strategist Carlyn Bushman and I did the "40 Day Prosperity Plan." In doing it several times, we realized the following 3 things:
1. It's important to have an accountability partner to do the interpretations with daily
2. One needs to read complementary books and material to get the most out of the exercise
3. There is real whitespace in the market for this kind of interpretation. Just Google "40 Day Prosperity Plan." It's crickets. So we decided to do this exercise to help anyone who is doing the exercise, either alone or together.
About your co hosts
Joya Dass is a former TV news anchor (business) and heads up a business mastermind for women leaders in NYC.
Carlyn Bushman is a business strategist, encouraging women business owners to MEASURE EVERYTHING for scale and growth