The Incredible i Show

006 The VIP at VIP Brian Garland

Season 2 Episode 6

006 on the show today we have my good friend Brian Garland from Vermont Information Processing (VIP).   Brian has been a part of the IBM community since 1985 when he took a part-time job working on the System 34.  Brian is an Application Engineer, a lifelong resident of Vermont, loves reading science fiction, hiking and is a HUGE Star Trek fan.   

Brian's contact information
Blog/personal site:
Github page:
Star Track:
VIP Website

One incredible Th(i)ng!  Products, gadgets, recipes, music or things we are loving right now.
Tony's picks for this week:
American comic book writer, artist and podcaster 

Peg's pick for the week:   
Coffee - every which way!  

Brian's pick for the week:
This was tough.  I guess I'd have to say sourdough starter.  I know a lot of people got into bread-making during the pandemic.  I didn't start until just a few months ago.  The starter and some equipment were a Valentine's Day gift from my wife.  I've made bread, pancakes, dinner rolls, and biscuits.  It's a great compliment to the technical side of my life.  There are recipes to follow but you don't have to be exact.  It's peaceful just mixing ingredients and kneading dough.

Upcoming Events:
COMMON iNISIGHT 2021 July 27-29 is an online learning opportunity with over 70 presentations.   And the best part - it is FREE to all COMMON members!

POWERUp21 October 4-7 in Virginia Beach, VA.   This event is LIVE onsite and simulcast over the web.  Don't forget to pack your swimsuit!

This episode is sponsored by...

Midrange Dynamics Change Management Software - Built for IBM i modernization!
Interested in sharing your IBM i story?  Want to sponsor the podcast?  We want to hear from you!  Reach out to Peg at