First Baptist Church of El Dorado - Sermons
Tune in each week as Pastor Taylor Geurin leads us into a study of God's Word.
First Baptist Church of El Dorado - Sermons
WE ARE THE CHURCH Week 2: We are God's House | 1 Corinthians 3
Last week we began a new series called WE, THE CHURCH. In this series we are reclaiming the biblical vision for God’s local church. To reclaim that biblical vision begins using the word church correctly. All too often we think the word church means a place. When, in fact, according to the Bible church means a people. And, when it comes to church the difference between it being a place and a people well it’s monumental.
Last week we learned that this people called church should declare WE ARE THE BRIDE OF CHRIST. It helped clarify our identity. Today we will further clarify the identity of the local church by declaring together WE ARE GOD’S HOUSE. And, just like any other house. If you are going to build God’s House you need to pour the right foundation and pick the right materials. According to Paul the right foundation and the only foundation for any local church is Jesus Christ. Listen in as Pastor Jonathan shares how the Church at Corinth and First Baptist Church poured the right foundation and it’s the call of this generation to pick the right materials, to pick king-grade materials to once again build house a that will be a beacon of light in our community.