On Air With Kate Butler

{On Air with Kate Butler} Laura Wright

Kate Butler

Laura has closed a cool $43 million and then some over the past 20 years and she's the founder of EPIC at Sales, but, for a time Laura Wright's life was anything but epic.  After her real estate company crashed and burned in 2008 (along with the rest of the economy), Laura found herself over $500,000 in debt - while being the sole provider of her family, no less. There, she was lost, demoralized, and doubting her ability to rise up from this setback, until she remembered two of her greatest gifts: the power to see the potential in ANY situation and the ability to close just about any sale with love.  A few years later, Laura has made a name for herself in the coaching industry as the go-to "Sales Ninja" for service-based women in business, helping her clients scale to six-figures within months and cross seven-figures in record time.  She's also expanded her mission to change that way all women rise from entrepreneurial dips and even wrote the rulebook to prove it.  No Woman Down: 51 Lessons to Create Your Epic Income Rise. A Self-Published Author, Speaker, Growth Strategist, and Master Sales Coach, Laura's approach to creating wealth and scaling businesses is simple, effective and steeped in the absolute belief that sales is love. Laura currently live in Baltimore with her Hubby, their kiddo, and their gentle giant, a Bernese Mountain Dog. 

Learn more about Laura at www.epicsales.com 
Download a copy of her book at: http://www.nowomandown.com/book
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