It Was Broken When We Found It
IWBWWFI might not be the best name, but was a phrase used extensively back at the ranch by my father when someone would present him with something (or someone) that was broken. When the presenter was questioned, it was always the same answer: "It was broken when we found it". We'll be discussing current events with the emphasis on 'small town' type material. We'll be bringing on weekly guests that range from musical entertainment, all the way to local political candidates and everything in between. Our story isn't unique to our 'town' and will strike a chord with any listener. What our show lacks in quality is hopefully made up for with entertainment. Sometimes you get exactly what you pay for, but know that we're doing our best.
It Was Broken When We Found It
Wednesday Wangles - Browsboro Flowing Again?
Ryan Hanson
Season 3
Episode 28
Brownsboro city council met on Monday for their regular November meeting. On the agenda was the ongoing 'water billing' debacle they've been working on. We're going to talk further about that with Trayce West. We might even discuss some other things...?