The Inner Outer You

The difference between Holistic Personal Branding and Personal Branding

Kristiane Charrier Season 1 Episode 7

What if I tell you that building a personal brand is good,  but building a HOLISTIC personal brand is better and that everybody on Earth should do it. I bet you would ask me what’s the difference between Personal Branding, and Holistic Personal Branding? Right?

In this episode, I explain the difference between what I call Holistic Personal Branding and Personal Branding. I bring you a new perspective on that topic, hoping you'll open your heart to receive this message, start building your Holistic Personal Brand and play your role in the movie of life.

I'm curious to hear your impression. Leave me a review if you're on Apple Podcast, or send me a DM on Instagram 👉🏽 @kristianecharrier I'll be happy to read you.
Clubhouse: @krischarrier

Special Shoutout to @batjackcrack, thank you so much for your sweet review on Apple Podcast. It is so rewarding to read that you're inspired and enjoy the podcast. Merci! 🤗

Learn more about what I do 👉🏽

Xo, Kristiane.

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