Youth Sports Safety Update

Emergency Action Planning - Before the Flashing Lights Appear

Robert Season 1 Episode 4

Emergency Action Planning is a critical plan in-place before an accident, injury or incident occurs. No matter what the venue or sports event, there needs to be a plan in place to help coordinate personnel and respond quickly to save lives. We talk with Dr. Bradly Elias, Medical Director of the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department (JFRD) and Jerry Stevens, Coordinator of Athletic Training for the Duval County Public  Schools (DCPS).

Today’s Show Notes:

Presence of AED & trained CPR individual at athletic practices and contest(s) 

It is now required per Florida Statute [s. 1006.164 F.S.] that an automated external defibrillator (AED) be present and available for use if needed at the site of every workout, practice, preseason, regular-season and post-season interscholastic contest in which member high schools/combination schools participate. Also, beginning June 1, 2021, a school employee or volunteer with current training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use of a defibrillator must be present at each athletic event during and outside of the school year, including practices, workouts and conditioning sessions. All employees or volunteers who may be reasonably expected to use a defibrillator must complete training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation or a basic first aid course that includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation training

 Sample Venue-Specific Emergency Protocol are available in the following position statement(s)

  • National Athletic Trainers Association Position Statement: Emergency Planning in Athletics; Journal of Athletic Training 2002;37(1)99-104;
  • National Athletic Trainers Association Position Statement: Preventing Sudden Death in Sports; Journal of Athletic training 2012:47(1):96-118 www.nata.jat
  •  Consensus Statement: The Inter-association Task Force for Preventing Sudden Death in Secondary School Athletics Programs: Best Practices Recommendations; Journal of Athletic training; 2013;48(4):546-553; doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-48.4.12;
  • National Athletic Trainers Association Communications: Sport Safety Policy Changes: Saving Lives and Protecting Athletes; Journal of Athletic Training, 2016;51(4); 358-360; doi:10.4085/1062-6050-51.4.14;
  • Kory Stringer Institute at