Sex, Lies & The Truth

Jodi - Part 2

Couch Genes Season 4 Episode 1

Jodi’s story and candid conversation with Christina continues in this second part to the series. Not one to talk about herself often, Jodi opens up about trust issues she never knew she had and the effects of the discovery on family dynamics that haunt her to this day.  If you ever wondered how a therapist would handle upsetting family dynamics, this is your opportunity to compare what you would do.  Equal parts heartwarming acceptance from new family, and estrangement from known family, Jodi’s story describes what’s possible along the journey and what’s wrong with family secrets. The effects of misattributed parentage (MPE), aka non-paternal event or not parent expected (NPE), is far reaching and long lasting.  Jodi talks openly about the effects and the journey, lending a bit of the professional insight that helped her cope.  Of course, there’s a country song in there somewhere.

If you or someone you know would like to share their DNA discovery story, contact Jodi and Christina at  Get to know Christina’s work as a #dnasleuth at and Jodi’s work with #parentalidentitydiscovery at