Sex, Lies & The Truth

Jodi - A Peak Behind the Curtain

Couch Genes Season 3 Episode 3

As a co-host of the podcast, Jodi has given snippets of her NPE experience alongside the guests, and in the episode with her brother Sean in season one.  In this first installment of a multi-part series, we take a deep dive into Jodi's story of TWO NPE revelations with three dads, and how Christina guided her through the process.  Jodi speaks candidly about family dynamics and emotional turmoil, giving you a peak behind the curtain, if you will.Jodi merged the personal experience of being an NPE with her expertise as a Marriage & Family Therapist to pioneer the first, and only, treatment protocol dedicated to the DNA discovery population, Parental Identity Discovery™, a curriculum she teaches in addition to using in her clinical work with patients.  Read more about Jodi on her website Learn about Christina's work on her website