Q on queue

Q on queue 045: Best. Summer. Ever. Pt 3 - Make Stuff

July 04, 2022 Brian Querry Season 3 Episode 45

I am a creator - I write music, I make videos, I take pictures, and though I’m not crafty or necessarily super handy, I love to dabble in that kind of stuff… But I don't always do everything I know I need to.  How many times do we find ourselves excited for a project, an activity, or an experience, but seemingly unmotivated to move forward with much of what we’re excited about?  It’s too hard - I’m comfortable right where I am - that’s a good idea, but I’m good where I am… I know it needs done, but I’d rather do something else.  

In this third part of the series "Best. Summer. Ever.", I will be sharing this week about why using your creativity is important to God.  The Scriptures spell out in numerous places about why it's important for us to use what God has given to us to create, and "Make Stuff".  And don't worry - this week’s episode is not a command to go run yourself ragged - we'll talk about work/life balance in part 4 next week.  :)

This is Part 3 in the series "Best. Summer. Ever."  Other episodes in the series include the following:
Part 1 - Take a Walk (released 6/20/22) 
Part 2 - Work in the Garden (released 6/27/22)
Part 4 - Family Game Night
Part 5 - Nap Time