Q on queue

Q on queue 032: Say What?

Brian Querry Season 2 Episode 32

We live in a world that, to be very honest, is full of noise and disruption coming at us from every angle.  So much information is thrown at us each day.  Our brains have to figure out ways to literally keep us sane in the midst of what can be quite a bit of chaos.

This is why communication - clear, impactful, and meaningful communication, is so important.  We have come to a point where all we hear sometimes is garble… we selectively tune things out, we maybe have so much going on in our minds or other things we’re telling ourselves, that we genuinely don’t hear whatever is being said to us.   You’d think that since we do so much communicating, both speaking and listening, you’d think that we’d be really good at it.

This week, I share a few practical reminders about how we can be better communicators and why it is so important.  I don't have the magic cure, but these strategies have worked for me, and I hope they can help you.