Starting Out

SO #18 Kristin Archer - Hashtag HamOnt

Nick Durie Episode 18

I met Kristin Archer, the blogger, radio host and podcaster behind I Heart Hamilton back in 2016 in the Hamilton comedy scene. I Heart Hamilton recently celebrated it’s 10-year anniversary, so it was good timing having Kristin on to reflect 10-years of work. Kristin always seemed like such a positive, optimistic person and as you’ll hear in this week’s episode, she absolutely is. Kristin shares her desire to create, to experience things, and to share them with others, all with no agenda whatsoever. She’s not an “influencer”, she doesn’t make things about her; she just experiences things and shares them with others. Kristin talks about how the 2019 Pride event in Hamilton, and subsequent protests, really served as a galvanizing moment for her.  You can check out her weekly I Heart Hamilton radio show every Friday from 2-3 on 93.3 CFMU as well as wherever you get podcasts. Music by Devin Bateson.

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