Phenomenal Grit, Career Conversations for Women of Color

Hidden Gem To Quiet Swag--Increasing Visibility When You Have A Quiet Presence with Wendy Joong, VP Insights and Creative Strategy

Alia Kemet Season 1 Episode 7

Phenomenal Grit comes in many packages and this podcast will feature and celebrate them!

This episode is dedicated to all women who have been typecast as the "Hidden Gem" or "A Quiet Storm" and features Wendy Joong, Vice President of Insights & Creative Strategy for WE Communications. Wendy and Alia talk about making an impact at work while overcoming stereotypes when you have a quiet presence coupled with an introverted nature.

Wendy also shares her personal perspective as an Asian American woman in corporate America. She talks about what it's like to not be considered the norm in her industry and how she learned to find comfort in her own style--ultimately creating an impactful career. Enjoy this inspiring conversation and learn how to go from Hidden Gem to Quiet Swag

Meet Wendy Joong: 
Bringing together data-driven strategy and breakthrough creativity, Wendy has 20 years of experience ideating and implementing strategic, integrated PR & marketing communications initiatives. A winner of multiple industry awards, Wendy has delivered successful campaigns for clients in various industries such as retail, consumer products, food & beverage, consumer tech, and financial services.

Wendy graduated from Columbia University and has a passion for television, baseball, and all things pop culture.