180 Win - The Ooma Small Business Podcast
180 Win is a podcast that shares stories and insights from small business warriors who met a certain challenge by shifting their approach, and came out on top. Now more than ever, small business owners know that in order to succeed it’s necessary to stay agile and flexible. Our episodes cover relevant topics through real-life inspiring stories that will educate and inspire. Visit us at: Ooma.com.
180 Win - The Ooma Small Business Podcast
A passion for serving the vulnerable became a business model | Robert W. Armstrong Jr. of The Armstrong Law Firm
Season 1
Episode 4
Robert W. Armstrong Jr. didn’t have immigration law in mind when he attended law school, but he was part of an immigration clinic and “something clicked.” He realized this was his calling after working with the vulnerable population of unaccompanied children, and he describes how his ability to connect with people on a human level – now remotely – is still the foundation of The Armstrong Law Firm. Visit us at Ooma.com.