Further. Faster. Podcast


Montane Episode 22

Hello and welcome to Further Faster, in association with Montane. In each episode, host Daniel Neilson talks to two guests who push the boundaries. They could be explorers, mountaineers, or in the case of this episode, ultra runners or endurance athletes.

This episode is about fear, or, rather, overcoming fear. Fear of failure, fear of the unknown, or simply, oh-my-god-what's-that-coming-out-of-the-dark-right-at-me type of fear. How do you mitigate fear? How to you overcome fear? How do you harness fear? We speak to Debbie Martin Consani, a runner and friend of the podcast. She is a brilliant runner. In her first Spine Race, one of the most gruelling races on the planet, she came second. We talk about training, preparing from the unknown, and why you should do something every year very much out of your comfort zone. 

But first Daniel spoke to Jordan Wylie, a former soldier, a hunter in the TV programme Hunted and maritime security expert. He's rowed solo across the Horn of Africa, ran through Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia and, most recently, paddleboarded more than 2000km around the coast of Britain. But in a candid interview, Jordan is probably facing his biggest challenge of all: dealing with mental health issues during the pandemic. And if you're affected by any of these issues, remember there's always help available. Listen in to Jordan and Debbie's inspiring stories of bravery and adversity and ultimately, success.