Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

Fasting for Breakthrough

January 03, 2021 Pastor Jerry Laudermilk

 In this message we look at the Biblical concept of fasting and talk about why we fast, and how to fast. Fasting is not something most Christians do often.  Some have never fasted. While fasting certainly isn't required to get into heaven, Jesus said his disciples would fast.  So it was expected. Too often we allow the body to feast while our spirit goes hungry. This makes us weak spiritually.  Perhaps fasting is allowing the physical body to go hungry so the spirit can feast, and therefore grow strong.  In any case, fasting is an offering of humility, and an experience in the sorrow of repentance, that allows us to place our carnal man in subjection to the Spirit of God.  In doing so we experience Spiritual gain, greatly!