Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

The Plan of God Part One: The Big Picture

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk

It's great to know that God has a plan for us. His plan is for all of mankind. Is it fulfilled today? Yes, in the natural. No, in the Spiritual. Certainly, we messed that up when we submitted to Satan's will in Eden. We were to fear Him and follow His Commandments. This was to worship and be obedient to Him. God, of course, knew we would fail...So He built into His plan a redeemer. God's plan for mankind required Him to save us from ourselves, because we fell from His grace. This now requires us to be in relationship with Him. Although we couldn't make it happen, He can! We are called to be ambassadors to this world on His behalf. Showing this world there is a better way and a Savior! His plan sees the end from the beginning, the big plan of God then, has always been to redeem us after our fall, allow us to help rescue others, then make all who are redeemed, His heirs!