Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

The Plan of God Part Two: My Little Part

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk

God wants you to know His plan, understand His plan, and complete your part of His plan. He announces plans and then He does them. When we feel like nothing is going right, it's great to know that God has a plan. Your small part in His big plan, is revealed over time as you are faithfully close to Him while continually listening and consistently and obediently doing what His Spirit is saying. God does NOT want you in the dark on this...If we are in the dark, it's due to our choice or Satan's deception. We are to be mindful of such things. That is why it is so important to follow the Holy Spirit. Remember, He wants you to fulfill YOUR portion of His plan. Do you have that same desire? He has so many good things for you and your walk with Him. He wants you to find your purpose and begin to move in it. Your calling is to help fulfill God's purpose... Find it and do it!