Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

In Everything Give Thanks

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk

What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition? Family time, catching up with those you are not able to be with as much as you would like? A huge meal with Turkey and dressing and all of the fixings? What about each person in the family sharing something they are thankful for? I love that, but the kids seem to always hate to be put on the spot. Nowadays, the day is almost too hectic to even get the time for that. We often forget to be thankful to God. This should be at the forefront in our relationship with Him. It brings about peace and joy in our lives even when things aren't going well. Thanksgiving to God is an act of worship. The Lord deserves Thanks because He is good to us and because He is righteous. We should give thanks to Him in ALL things! If you are struggling in your walk with The Lord, begin to give Him thanks and watch your situations change. We have so much to be thankful for!