Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

The Deception of the Eyes

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk

There is so much more to life than just what meets the eye… Sight is a great blessing, blindness CAN BE a curse… yet we are all sometimes hindered by what we can see in the natural. We are hindered by what we can naturally see, because it takes our attention off what we can't see, but should see the spirit realm. We see the visible things most clearly because we live in a visible physical world, yet we serve an invisible God and we fight in an unseen spiritual war. (Check your eyes. What are you missing?). 2 Cor. 5:7 says, "We walk by faith not by sight…" There’s a reason the Word of the Lord has told us this.Our natural eyes are deceptive...With our physical eyes we see only what is natural...With our physical eyes we can only see what’s visible. BUT MOST of what we deal with is invisible, unseen, even supernatural. If we don’t learn to see with spiritual eyes, we will see only the wrong things and remain blinded to what God is doing around us and to Satan’s trickery that is meant to trip us up! Don’t try to live the Christian life blinded to the spirit world… allow the Holy Spirit to give you vision…Don’t trust your natural eyes, they are deceptive, trust God’s revelation.