Pastor Jerry Laudermilk Audio Podcast

God of Restoration: Part One

Pastor Jerry Laudermilk

In Part One of the series "God of Restoration", Pastor Jerry looks at how God gives back to us the things that have been lost or taken away. Many times we allow things in our lives that pull us or separate us from God. We push Him out of our lives and forget all of the great things He has done for us. But even then, if we turn back to God, He will be there for us and begin to give back. God is a restorer of souls, a restorer of vision, a restorer of health, a restorer of what was lost, a restorer of dreams, a restorer of families, a restorer of lives… a restorer of HOPE!! Nothing is too hopeless, nothing is too lost, nothing is too broken, that He cannot restore it!! God is THE God of Restoration!