The Fine Watches Podcast
The Fine Watches Podcast focuses on personal conversations with guests from all areas of the watch world. From creators to pundits, collectors to well known personalities from the global watch community, we discuss why they love watches, why they do what they do, and explore the market for everything from the latest hype models and to the most obscure and significant vintage pieces.
You can find our other content here: https://www.finewatches.com.au/
Follow us on Instagram. @finewatchesau
The Fine Watches Podcast
The Vintage Advantage
Changing trends in watch design over time mean that vintage watches offer a diverse universe of options for watch collectors. While some vintage pieces command huge prices, and in most cases, rightly so, brilliant value can be had by choosing a vintage watch over a modern one.
Ben and Lewis run through some iconic favourites and discuss reasons why considering a vintage watch might just be a great idea.
Send us an email! podcast@finewatches.com.au
We're now on YouTube!: https://www.youtube.com/@Thefinewatchespodcast/
Check out Lewis' Instagram here: @gcwatchguy
And Ben's is here: @finewatchesau