Think Above Par

A Concept to Change Your Negative Golf Moments

Kathy Hart Wood Episode 112

Golf isn't always great. I know you know this. We certainly wish that everyday was amazing.  But if everyday was awesome then no day would be. We want the contrast.
If we don't know what bad shots are we won't know what good shots are.

If we don't know what hopeless feels like, we won't recognize hope when it happens.

This is a concept of 50/50 that shows up in our lives and on the course.

In this episode, I explain how to use this concept to make the most of the inevitable negative moments that we will experience with the game of golf.

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Did you get what you wanted out of your game this season?  Feel like you underperformed? I'm looking for 4-5 serious golfers who want to play to the potential and feel proud of the way that they showed up and the results that they created on the golf course.  So if that's you  you're ready, click the link to schedule a short 10 minute clarity call so we can see if we're a good fit.

Clarity Call