Think Above Par

Hope vs Hoping and How It Affects Your Golf

Kathy Hart Wood Episode 124

This is a portion of a live call from Unleash Your Game, a  complete program for mastering your golf brain so you can consistently play to your potential with more calm, certainty and confidence.

In the program, I offer live calls to support members on the mental golf journey. I start the call talking about hope. How we use the word versus how we create hope for us on the golf course.

At the end of this call, you can hear a member share her recent experience shifting her thoughts and changing her results.

Join me on a live call by signing up at

Did you get what you wanted out of your game this season?  Feel like you underperformed? I'm looking for 4-5 serious golfers who want to play to the potential and feel proud of the way that they showed up and the results that they created on the golf course.  So if that's you  you're ready, click the link to schedule a short 10 minute clarity call so we can see if we're a good fit.

Clarity Call