Homegrown Economies

State Rep. Angelica Rubio and Co-founder of the Monumental Loop, Pablo Lopez

October 20, 2021 Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce Season 1 Episode 10

On this episode of Homegrown Economies, Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce CEO/President Carrie Hamblen talks with State Representative Angelica Rubio and co-founder of the Monumental Loop, Pablo Lopez, about the New Mexico Bike Summit, taking place tomorrow in Las Cruces.  Rubio and Lopez talk about increasing awareness about cycling, the importance of understanding the origins of the land we ride on, and how the Outdoor Equity Fund has supported over 30,000 kids in getting them outdoors.  They talk about the purpose of the Bike Summit, Origins and Connections, and how vital that will be in creating a strong foundation for increased education, activity, and overall appreciation of cycling in the state.  More information about the Bike Summit can be found by calling Matt Mason at 575-636-4952.