The Holistic Psychiatrist

Why am I a Holistic Psychiatrist?

February 01, 2023 Alice W. Lee, MD, ABIHM, ABoIM Season 2 Episode 1

This is my personal story of how I learned about holistic psychiatry and its ability to create optimum healing for mental health.

Jack Rome and I discuss the powerful, paradigm-altering experiences that transformed my perspectives and motivated me to become a holistic psychiatrist despite ten years of medical training!

We also discuss the many rewards, clinical achievements, and other motivators that inspire my continued commitment to holistic medicine.

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YouTube: The Holistic Psychiatrist

To schedule consultations or appointments, call Dr. Lee's office at 240-437-7600

Dr. Lee is located in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah.

The content provided by this podcast is for informational purposes only and has not been approved by the U.S. FDA. This podcast is not intended to provide personal medical advice, which should be obtained from a medical professional.