The Holistic Psychiatrist

Creativity: The Power at the Heart of Healing

Alice W. Lee, MD, ABIHM, ABoIM Season 1 Episode 47

Psychiatry, as a medical field, has a tendency to break illness down into small parts. This reductionistic approach dehumanizes the healing process, reducing the illness to a missing neurotransmitter, a label, and a prescription. Along the way, the illusion of permanency replaces the reality of psychiatry's powerlessness against mental illness because it has lost sight of the whole picture. From a holistic perspective, the body is part of life's ever changing evolutionary process. So integral to change that we can barely tell the difference is the power behind it: creativity. Dr. Alice W. Lee and Jack Rome discuss creativity and its role in healing, starting from the thought up.

For more about Dr. Lee, please visit:
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To schedule consultations or appointments, call her office at 240-437-7600

The content provided by this podcast is for informational purposes only and has not been approved by the U.S. FDA. This podcast is not intended to provide personal medical advice, which should be obtained from a medical professional.

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YouTube: The Holistic Psychiatrist

To schedule consultations or appointments, call Dr. Lee's office at 240-437-7600

Dr. Lee is located in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah.

The content provided by this podcast is for informational purposes only and has not been approved by the U.S. FDA. This podcast is not intended to provide personal medical advice, which should be obtained from a medical professional.