Lessons In The Ladder Days

The Law of the Seed

Candace Long

When I lost almost everything in the events surrounding 9/11, I withdrew into seclusion for  three years seeking God on what I was put on earth to do – since "apparently," I missed it.

God has such a sense of humor.  I missed nothing…and gained everything.  What He taught me was a universal Law  He set in place thousands of years ago for all the world to see and learn from.  Most are too distracted to find it.   

I don't care how old you are:  I believe understanding this Law will speak to your personal calling – which is never too late to find.  Moses was 80 when he received his.

In these "Ladder Days," God is restoring foundational truths we have foolishly misplaced.  This is a critical season for personal and societal reformation.

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When you DONATE, your gift helps me continue to produce these podcasts.

The Ancient Path to Creativity and Innovation" by Candace L. Long (book)
"The 3 Keys That Unlock Your Destiny" by Candace L. Long (free monograph)

"Journey To The Center of YOU" - online course to help you name your seed!