Lessons In The Ladder Days

God's Purposes for Pestilence

Candace Long

(Note: Originally released in February, 2021 - but still very relevant today!)

In this episode, I ask the question no one seems to be talking about:  "Where is God in this pandemic?  Why doesn't He do something about this virus!?"

From a biblical perspective, God has been speaking loud and clear.  We may not like the answer…but He is speaking!  But to understand what He is saying, we have to know how to interpret God's language.  The reality is this:  Pestilence (i.e., plagues, deadly diseases) is nothing new to God.   It served very specific purposes throughout biblical history. 

He is using it again today.  Why?  and What can we do about it?

I'm going to lay out for you 5 purposes God has historically had for bringing about pestilence... and suggest 5 actions we should take whenever we experience one.

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"Mixed Seed: As It Was in the Days of Noah" (monograph, white paper)
"Levitical Response to Pandemics" (monograph)