Nutrition Factors

Episode 6: Metabolic Syndrome with John Payne CEO of Pure Life Health Sciences

Ulan Nutritional Systems

John Payne is a scientist who researches metabolic health issues, His major interest is in the plant-based nutrients we can use to stay healthy and avoid or reverse the symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome. (MetS)
John talks about the need to follow the diet our ancestors ate and points out that the World Health Organization has recommended this diet because it is the diet our bodies were genetically programmed to respond to.  
The obesity epidemic is caused by eating processed food that is not the right food and our bodies don't recognize those molecules.
If your waist is 35 inches for a woman and 40 inches for a man, you probably have at least one symptom of MetS.
If you're struggling with metabolic health issues, such as weight, high blood pressure etc., and want to improve your nutrition as a way to improve your health, finding a nutrition coach could be the answer.