Arsenio's ESL Podcast

Arsenio's ESL Podcast: Ex-Students Talking About Famous Inventions

July 13, 2019 Arsenio Buck Season 4

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Ahhh! Such a rewarding and wonderful podcast I had with some of my students. First and foremost, I'm so proud of Mint. She got into one of the best universities in Thailand after I helped her achieve her IELTS score.  Suwapat, who's still 17, got an excellent score on her SAT and she'll be going to university within a year.  Nonetheless, this is a fun, back and forth conversation with a couple of young adults who are looking to get better. Tune in!


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Speaker 1:

The gun guys. Oh fuck it. Back to another RN city of ESL podcasts. It's a day is a crazy and a special day. I have two of my ex students on this podcast with me. One one's name actually is meant, she's actually very quiet, but I'm going to get her to talk on this one. And then I got the crazy one. Her name is sue pot. This one can literally come through anyone. She is amazing. So what we're going to talk about today are inventions first and foremost. Men, I would like you to introduce yourself and I'm 18 year so you don't even know. Okay. You're 18 years old. And what university are you going to? Um, I had on university international holidays. Awesome. So guys, for those of you who do not know, yeah, mosquito is one of the best universities out here in Thailand. Of course, that is arguably, you know, the best, right? And so how about the sewer pop, ms sat girl, sewer pot? What's up? So hello money is is[inaudible]. So yes or no. Okay. Correct. Okay. So listen, a lot of people are like, oh my God, she just said her nickname was cartoon. So who gave you that nickname? So we'll pop. So what I love about Thailand so much is the nicknames. Like there are nicknames like p who poppy a pew do. Um, there's a lot of, and they're normally three or four words and they're created at a thin air. I had one student's name, her name was early. You can't even spell early. So anyways, would that be and said, okay men, what are we going to talk? What's your topic today? My topic is about social media. Okay. And Miss a cartoon. What's your topic today? Uh, application for sleeve. You know what? We're going to kick it off with us sewer pot because she's all over the place with a boyfriend at essential embassy. So Silverpop, what we do, what I want to talk about is applications of sleep. So what is it, what is it that you're going to tell us about the invention of applications of sleep? As you can see, no, you didn't write it. I think you write it down to a pot. No. Okay. Okay, go ahead. Go ahead. Yeah, maybe if you hold that insomnia. Oh, so these applications will help them to have, ah,[inaudible] okay. So sewer pot, you being the age you are. I don't remember ever having or haven't had difficulty asleep when I was young. Now I get very anxious before I go to sleep because I believe that I'm not going to fall asleep. It's very confusing. So you being, you know, the age you are and whatnot, is it difficult for you to fall asleep? Not that bad. My fans, yes. Yes. Depending on individuals. Okay. Okay. Okay. So give me an example of someone you know that has difficulty. Like, uh, my friends, he kind of uh, hot to sleep because he is worried about her university. Yes, she is as some he uh, it's depressed and stress. Oh my God. As a 17 year old. That's crazy. Men, men, are you one of those people who have difficulty sleeping?

Speaker 2:

Um, depends like sometimes if I have some thing that should be stressed about, like before I get university, I'm so stretched for so it, so I have, um, insomnia for awhile.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So explain now. I've had two nights, right? I think it was last October and last December I had two instances. One time I couldn't sleep until 5:00 AM. Um, and it was the worst night of my life. I thought I was going to die right in this, the other night was like December and I couldn't sleep till about 1130. That was okay. But, um, insomnia. Tell me about insomnia. Was how long did it last for

Speaker 2:

a week, I think.

Speaker 1:

Wow. So what happened? Is it like when you had insomnia, is it when you, you know, you, you try going to sleep and you just could not sleep?

Speaker 2:

Yes. That thing. I have been stressed a lot. This come out to my head and I cannot just get over it all night.

Speaker 1:

And so what part, how about you mud that Kyle? Insomnia, but I just can't sleep for just one day. No.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Oh, okay. So if it's one day, is that considered to be insomnia?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

maybe. Yeah. Maybe some people say, oh, well insomnia. It's when you can't sleep for three days or five days or one week or one month, stuff like that. But um, wow. So men, what are some things you did to calm yourself down so you could get proper sleep again? Because maybe there are students around the world who suffer from the same thing or who are probably suffering from the same thing that you suffered from before. What? What are some things that you did to calm down? I led the results from university. Come out how I can my phone. Oh my God, I love it. I love it. You know what's funny when that happens? When your insomnia goes away, you could finally see to yourself, oh my God, that was all in the mind. That was literally self-inflicted insomnia because of course, you know, outside pressures and stuff. Okay. And how about you a sewer pot? When you had that one day insomnia the other night, what did you do differently from the night before? Oh my God. So then you realize, oh yeah, it's not really insomnia, it's just like last night. Yes. Because after that day that I have a, Kyle is some yet, so I go to school the next day I feel squarely tired. So this next day I get like sleep. Well you slept well the next day. Oh okay. Oh Wow. Okay. All right. So asleep applications, let's just do a run over that. So what app do you use? Applications. Who upon application for sleep? Yeah. No. Oh okay. Wow. So you're going to talk about the invention of applications yet. Don't even use applications who will pop. What you're talking about is really useful for many people. You ain't lying. Trust me. Okay. So like me, it's funny cause a lot of people would say, oh you're a teacher, this and that. But things that really relax my mind. There are different like um, oh my God, what is that like different, not gamma waves but delta waves or a fadeaways. But they does more for like children, which like targets the imagination. But I listened to things to shut my mind down. So of course after I finished working, my routine would be listening to something inspirational than listening to something without lyrics. And then listening to either like stormy weather, a wind in a blizzard or something else that calms me down to like the micro. So whereas when I get home, boom, I could fall right asleep. So, um, yeah. So these applications are useful men, how about you? Do you use applications? Oh, perfect. Thank you. I'm so funny. I'm God. Anyways. Okay. So enough. But the crazy sleep applications, I'm very interested in what men has to say. Men take us a take it away. So which I use

Speaker 2:

it every day and at thing everyone also use it too. And yes.

Speaker 1:

Okay. All right. So, okay, well good. Okay, let me give you some claps. Okay. And then let's talk about high thigh. Oh yeah, of course. Yeah. Okay. Let me take you on a journey. High Five. Tell the world about high five.

Speaker 2:

You was high five before. Seriously, but I think it's the same as Facebook. I'm not sure.

Speaker 1:

So high five was one of the very first, apparently one of the first, or maybe the first social media platform in Thailand. So in America we had something called myspace that broke ground. Apparently in 2004 but I didn't get on until about 2006 in Korea, they had something called Xangati, x, a n, g, a, m and then America got ahold of it. So then predominantly the majority of Asians around the world would listen, just go on Blanka Langa would go on Sangha to blog about their life. Um, and then after that, can you guys remember when Facebook came and emerged here in Thailand?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay. When, when was it that Facebook became very big here? Because Facebook was only used as for for college students. So me, when I joined Facebook 13 years ago, only people that had college emails can use Facebook until they finally opened it up. Well, mark, open it up to everyone else. So when did it come out here? So bought,

Speaker 2:

uh, I think it's very Pablo and I was like 12 or something. But now I'm so in teen, so maybe five or six years ago,

Speaker 1:

unless you are. Okay. Fend a fantastic information. Uh, okay. So man, how about you? Like what? Facebook, when did Facebook become a big part of your lab? Okay. P Two. What is p two?

Speaker 2:

Um, she too is like I, I'm not sure.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. Didn't know. Okay. Okay. P two is second grade, so we have prep home[inaudible] that's first grade, second grade, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and then it goes into what Thai people say, Mateo, which is middle school and high school in America or a secondary school? Yeah,

Speaker 2:

in England and Australia. Okay,

Speaker 1:

so you got into, so[inaudible] home too. And then what about Instagram? Because I think you guys, what's your favorite? What's your favorite social media platform? Okay. Okay. Now tell me why. Tell me why Instagram is your favorite.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Oh, sorry,

Speaker 1:

go ahead. Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

So we get to, I mean think thing is from ac and we get to know each other life on like to the ID story. You know what I like? I think it's more close to our friends more than Facebook.

Speaker 1:

I like that. A greeting. You could put hashtags and stuff and have different people follow you from all around the world on Instagram stories, which I'm still trying to get better at. But you guys are like champions at it. It's insane. Uh, and how about you sue a pot?

Speaker 2:

I like it because, uh, because you can share, sorry, in[inaudible] and people can hello and no, was this your hobbies? Was is your but every, uh, plans to receive.

Speaker 1:

Good. All right. All right. How about squirter I people go here in Thailand. People go on Twitter to complain. Is that true?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yes. So what they complained with like an alias and alias, meaning a fake name.

Speaker 2:

Yes. It's anonymous and you can host anything you want there so people won't know like who you are.

Speaker 1:

That's so funny, man. Yeah. Cause I didn't know if Twitter was actually been, what about snapchat? Is snapchat still big here?

Speaker 2:

No. No,

Speaker 1:

because now, because now Instagram stories literally took the function, right,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And snapchat you go only make that big and you'd go only connect with people by sharing your snapchat.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Right. So it's not like I could put a Hashtag on my story and get like a bunch of followers from this place or that place. You know what I mean? So yeah, too bad for snapchat. Who knows? Maybe it's still good, uh, in the younger generation. But now I'm going to give you guys this. Pros and cons. Social media. Who wants to take the pros? Who wants take the car.

Speaker 2:

Sorry. I can, I can, I will take cons.

Speaker 1:

Okay. All right. See what pot you got the pros. Who wants to go first with three? We're going to go with three, three pros, three cons.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

See that's how you do it. You have to, you have to tell people who's go with first. There you go. Men Take it away.

Speaker 2:

Um, Saturday comes off. Social media, like I have said before, like onto ether, you can post anything you want anonymous and people won't know. So the huns is that,

Speaker 1:

oh sorry. Okay. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going.

Speaker 2:

Like you can give bad comments to anyone. Like bye. You did not think about how they would feel like people, little thing that they can comments, anything they want by did not like think first because that is anonymous so people won't know who is comment, who comment that thing.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly right. That's what we call trolls. So trolls are basically people who are out to say negative things, uh, because of course their entire lives has have been negative or for whatever reason, or they're getting back or, yeah, it's, it's pretty sad. It's a sad word. A sad

Speaker 2:

in terms of, you know, how many trolls are out there.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So that's one negative. Okay. Here we go. I want one positive. Could be a positive. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Cause I'm so sad. So if I give you a positive, I think so show media can help us too. Horrible. Yup. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Following new things such as what?

Speaker 2:

Neos spa if you okay. But a politics.

Speaker 1:

Oh God, I'll find that. ODL that for those out there who don't know deal means hold on, crown down, gone. You know what I'm saying? But yeah, yeah, yeah, that's true. You can stay up to date with the latest news. So that's very, very good. Okay. And uh, let's go back to the negative

Speaker 2:

men. And then negative for me is like kids nowadays that use social media, like most of the kids are growing too fast. Like, like me, if I can show back time, I would not do social media so fast because I think I have skipped some time of my like Chai Chai time.

Speaker 1:

Some your time you said? Yes. Such as like going outside and playing around in the playground and getting dirty and stuff.

Speaker 2:

Wow. Yes. It's like, it has social media venue linear. So we want to go up like they idle on social media that they are popular so we want to be same as them. So we just keep our age, we try to act like adults.

Speaker 1:

Uh, that's the truth. Okay. All right. Good point. Very good point. So we'll pop back to you positive.

Speaker 2:

So while I do social media, I think is, is a easy way to contact people.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Give me an example

Speaker 2:

because if you use like lie application, you can redo all call with the people that formed the uh, another size. I'll go whoa. Easily by, not as you can see. But uh, in the past we have to send a and warps. So, but now's the day that we can take phone. July.

Speaker 1:

Right. So there's no more international phone call and we could call directly by video on facetime, whatsapp, Facebook, you know, I mean to call landlines in America, I still probably have to pay and whatnot, but uh, we can use the application such as Viber. So yeah, I completely, I love that. I love that. And to be honest with you, that Viber is crucial because I remember I recall going to the maladies two years ago and they were like, oh you have to call the bank. But I can't call the bank directly from my phone in the maladies. So I had to use an application called Viber and luckily Beiber, I was able to connect with the bank, all that craziness.[inaudible] screaming. Is that your baby? Is that your baby? Is that your baby?[inaudible] that baby to be quiet. You better tell that needed to be wired now cause I'll go to the center and to see I am not too far from there. I will go down there. Oh good is great. She said she screams again. I'm kicking ass. Okay, what more? I'll get two more that we're going to be done. So men give me my mom.

Speaker 2:

Um, the last cons is losing time with family and friends. As we can see when we go outside we can see that people always use their phone and like instead of talking with the people, you are a bit, but they use their phone. Is that so I think this is a continent that seriously, we need to, we need to have more interaction with people beside us more than people on social media.

Speaker 1:

[inaudible] there you go. Hey, I can't I boy I hear. I get, I get that baby. That was a real good point man. Thank you so much for saying that because I think in some countries where social media controls the individuals rather than the individuals controlling social media, that could be an, and it's becoming a massive problem and what's even more, once virtual reality comes into the picture, it's going to create a lot of zombies because people are going to want to live in the virtual world instead of living in reality. I think that is going to be something that it can be quite dangerous and pretty, quite sad. It's going to be sad for a lot of people. So, okay, so up on, give me one mole top this bad boy out.

Speaker 2:

So, but the last one, I mean social media can hell father mission. This can heal a lot in the business we host. You can, uh, use this social media to promote your products. That's right.

Speaker 1:

Fantastic point. I'm so glad you said that because again, we can always look at the negatives and whatnot, but to be honest with you, how do people promote their businesses 30 years ago versus today, I could literally set up a Facebook ad targeting specific age groups, specific lights and everything, and a little section of Bangkok and attract a lot of people. So that is the beauty of what social media actually provides to businesses. So I couldn't agree more. So great job guys. Thank you so much. Do you guys feel about this? How do you feel?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

yeah. Yeah. Did you tell that baby to get away? I hear that maybe in screaming Elmo boy out back a fool up in here. It better not be your baby. I'll get really crazy up in here. I get all kinds of crazy. And how about you man? How'd you like it?

Speaker 2:

Oh actually I'll be awkward because I, I cannot manage my words, you know?

Speaker 1:

Right. And, but don't what you actually did pretty well with managing your words and stuff like that. So the thing is, is to always say, okay, how was I? And this is what's so great about it because I'm actually still recording it right now. So once I finish recording it, I'm gonna send it to you. Is it, you're going to be able to listen to yourself and say, okay, well, you know, going from present, perfect to surpass, simple to present, okay, that's still a problem. How can I make, how can I, you know, get better at that. But don't be alarmed and don't be, you know, drawn back by that you are able to communicate your thoughts, your ideas and everything across very well. Okay. So you did all right, Silverpop. Boy, you was not good. No, I'm kidding. You were a good simplify. You are very good at what that, but yeah, man, you guys, man, thank you so much for coming on here. This is what my goal is with my English language podcast is to bring people on from Brazil to Namibia. Maricia is more intense. China. I want to bring people on from all around the world to express their thoughts on topics. So guys, man, thank you so much. Thank you. You're very welcome it guys. With that being said, thank you so much for tuning in to another e s l podcast. If you like it, we share that, the shit at that museum like that. That is again, a big thank you from me. I'm your host. As always, stay tuned for more over now.